Российская Информационная Сеть


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    still I 2. noun 
    • still I 2. noun 1) poet. тишина, безмолвие; in the still of (the) night - в ночной тиши...

    swamp 2. v. 
    • swamp 2. v. 1) заливать, затоплять (with); Last night's storm has swamped the wheat fields with rain....

    yawn 2. v. 
    • yawn 2. v. 1) зевать; he yawned good night - зевая, он пожелал доброй ночи...

    interlace v. 
    • interlace v. переплетать(ся), сплетать(ся) (with) The thin branches were interlaced with one another, making a beautiful pattern against the night sky....

    come under 
    • come under а) относиться Your suggestion comes under (the general heading of) reorganization. б) подпадать This area comes under the powers of the local court. In his youth he came under the influence of Beethoven. в) подвергаться The town came under attack again last night....

    boom out 
    • boom out производить громкий глухой шум The horn boomed out all night to warn the ships of the dangerous mist....

    drench 2. v. 
    • drench 2. v. 1) смачивать, мочить, промачивать насквозь; орошать (in/with) I left the garden chairs out all night, and they got drenched with rain....

    rip away 
    • rip away срывать; Last night's wind has ripped all the leaves away from the trees. His opponents ripped away the show of sincerity covering his deceitful intentions....

    be over and done with 
    • be over and done with быть полностью законченным You've come too late for the game, it's all over and done with. it's all over with someone имярек умер It's all over with Mother, I'm afraid she died this morning. е) тратить много времени на что-л. Will you be long over that report? Don't be all night over finishing your book....

    hack out 
    • hack out вырабатывать с трудом The committee had instructions to hack out a new method of organizing the firm's accounts, even if it took all night....

    retire 1. v. 
    • retire 1. v. 1) удаляться, уходить; to retire for the night - ложиться спать; At the end of the meal, we all retired to the garden....

    steep II 2. v. 
    • steep II 2. v. 1) погружать (в жидкость); пропитывать (in); If the clothes are very dirty, steep them in soapy water over-night....

    battle on 
    • battle on продолжать сражаться, бороться The opposing armies battled on until night. Women must battle on until they have gained equality....

    litter 2. v. 
    • litter 2. v. 1) подстилать, настилать солому и т.п. (обыкн. litter down); Are the horses littered down for the night?...

    spend v. 
    • spend v. 2) проводить (время) (in); to spend a sleepless night - провести бессонную ночь...

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