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    head for 
    • head for а) достигать It looks as if the firm is heading for another record year! б) рисковать You're heading for an accident if you drive after drinking alcohol....

    plan 2. v. 
    • plan 2. v. 2) строить планы; надеяться; намереваться; затевать; - plan ahead What events have you got planned for next week? Do you plan on staying here another year?...

    see ahead 
    • see ahead предвидеть, представлять, заглядывать (в будущее) When things change so fast one cannot see ahead very far. Can you see ahead to the year 2000?...

    zoom up 
    • zoom up а) взмыть вверх; the plane zomed up into the sky. б) быстро расти; Prices, which zomed up in the first part of this year, are now steady and should not increase again for several months....

    squirrel 2. v. 
    • squirrel 2. v. 1) собирать про запас; запасаться (тж. squirrel away); If we squirrel away most of the profit, we won't get into difficulties next year when we want to order supplies....

    regnal adj. 
    • regnal adj. относящийся к царствованию короля; regnal year - год царствования; regnal day - день вступления на престол...

    float around 
    • float around а) существовать There should be some envelopes floating around somewhere. б) часто менять место работы My son hasn't been able to find a steady job; he's been floating round for the past year....

    float about 
    • float about а) существовать There should be some envelopes floating around somewhere. б) часто менять место работы My son hasn't been able to find a steady job; he's been floating round for the past year....

    live out 
    • live out а) пережить; б) прожить, протянуть (о больном); Will the old man live out the year? в) иметь квартиру отдельно от места службы; Most students have to live out as there isn't room for them in their college....

    see beyond 
    • see beyond а) знать, представлять себе (что-л.) на некоторый срок (больший чем указано) Sales figures are improving, but it's impossible just yet to see beyond the end of the year. б) планировать, заботиться (о чем-л. - обыкн. в ближайшем будущем) Are you making plans for the future, or can't you see beyond your next pay packet? Some people are unable to see beyond how to get enough food for the day....

    cancel out 
    • cancel out а) уравновесить, сбалансировать The $1 I owed him and the $1 he owes me cancel out. б) свести на нет The poor quality of his work this year cancels out his former improvement. His good qualities and his faults cancel out....

    first 3. noun 
    • first 3. noun 1) начало at the first of the year - в начале года from the first - с самого начала from first to last - с начала до конца - at first...

    shrivel v. 
    • shrivel v. 1) сморщивать(ся); съеживаться, ссыхаться (тж. shrivel up, shrivel away); It's late in the year and the leaves have all shrivelled up now....

    think back 
    • think back помнить, вспомнить; If you think back on the past year, you can see what great changes you have made. Thinking back, it must have been before the war....

    drop away 
    • drop away а) уходить один за другим б) уменьшаться Student numbers have been dropping away recently, interest in the game has dropped away. в) ухудшаться The quality of performance has dropped away since last year....

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