Российская Информационная Сеть


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    reckon without 
    • reckon without coll. не суметь предусмотреть, рассчитать; We had hoped to hold the garden party this weekend, but we reckoned without the weather!...

    separate off 
    grow over 
    • grow over зарастать When we returned from our holidays after only three weeks, the whole garden was grown over with strange plants with wide leaves and long roots....

    separate 3. v. 
    • separate 3. v. 1) отделять(ся), разделять(ся); The garage is separated from the house by a path and a flower garden. Only one game separates us from total victory....

    sheet down 
    • sheet down литься сплошным потоком, лить как из ведра (о дожде) We can't possibly hold the garden party, it's been sheeting down all morning....

    come into 
    • come into а) вступать в The door opened and the children came into the room. Come into the house and see my pictures. Come into the garden, Maud. б) получать в наследство Charles came into a fortune when his father died. в) to come into being/existence возникать to come into the world родиться to come...

    back onto 
    • back onto примыкать (о строениях) We chose this house because the garden backs onto the tennis courts. Мы выбрали этот дом, потому что его сад примыкает к теннисному корту....

    pop off 
    • pop off а) coll. внезапно уйти; Pop off home, children, before it gets dark. б) coll. стрелять, палить; Go and pop your guns off in the garden. в) sl. умереть (тж. pop off the hooks); If you don't take care of your heart, you might pop off sooner than you think....

    bode ill 
    • bode ill сулить что-л. плохое (for - для кого-л., чего-л.) Those dark clouds bode ill for this afternoon's garden party....

    retire 1. v. 
    • retire 1. v. 1) удаляться, уходить; to retire for the night - ложиться спать; At the end of the meal, we all retired to the garden....

    pluck 2. v. 
    • pluck 2. v. 1) срывать, собирать; Plucking a flower from the garden, he gave it to her. Pluck an apple off the tree....

    plant I 2. v. 
    • plant I 2. v. 1) сажать, сеять; засаживать (with); насаждать (сад); I'd like to plant vegetables in this half of the garden. Most of the land is planted with wheat....

    look over 
    • look over а) просматривать; б) не заметить; в) простить; I'll look over your carelessness this time, but be more careful in future. г) тщательно изучать; We must look the school over before sending our son there. Give me time to look your suggestion over. д) иметь вид, выходить; My window looks over the garden....

    estimate 2. v. 
    • estimate 2. v. 1) оценивать, давать оценку (at) The builder estimates the cost of repairing the roof at $600. I would estimate the size of the garden at 1.000 square metres....

    plant out 
    • plant out высаживать в грунт; When the seeds have grown in their small box, plant them out in the garden....

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