Российская Информационная Сеть


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    be out of 
    • be out of а) заканчиваться (о запасах) I'm sorry, we're out of coffee. Have you any suggestions to make? I'm out of ideas. I'm quite out of patience with this class. No singer should ever be out of breath. б) освобождаться от чего-л. At last the firm is out of debt. The boy is never out of trouble....

    promote v. 
    • promote v. 4) переводить в следующий класс (ученика); All the children have been promoted to the next class....

    mess I 2. v. 
    • mess I 2. v. 5) mil. есть, питаться (with); In this camp, private soldiers do not mess with officers, but have a separate cookhouse - mess about with - mess around with - mess with...

    behind 2. prep. 
    • behind 2. prep. 2) ниже (по качеству и т.п.) he is behind other boys of his class - он отстает от своих одноклассников (по успехам, развитию)...

    pose I 1. v. 
    • pose I 1. v. 1) позировать; In her youth, she earned a reasonable living by posing for art students in the drawing class....

    poach I v. 
    • poach I v. 1) браконьерствовать, незаконно охотиться; вторгаться в чужие владения; The police caught the young man poaching for rabbits on the lord's land. He was taken to the police station on a charge of poaching on private property....

    count off 
    • count off отсчитывать At the beginning of each class, I count off the students to see if the number present agrees with the attendance lists....

    reckon up 
    • reckon up а) подсчитывать; Reckon up all your money and see if you have enough. б) составлять мнение (о ком-л.), оценивать (кого-л.); The new teacher soon had the class reckoned up and was able to control them....

    attach v. 
    • attach v. 3) прикомандировывать; назначать to attach a teacher to a class - прикрепить преподавателя к классу...

    drone 2. v. 
    • drone 2. v. 2) бубнить, читать, петь монотонно (тж. drone on) As the teacher droned on, one by one the class fell asleep. Whatever is the speaker droning on about now?...

    provide v. 
    • provide v. 3) предоставлять, давать; his father provided him with a good education - отец дал ему хорошее образование; There is no way that we can provide another teacher for that class....

    sit for 
    • sit for а) позировать (художнику, фотографу) She earned a reasonable living by sitting for art students in the life class. б) представлять в парламенте (округ и т.п.); Members of his family have sat for the town for over a century. в) заниматься to sit for an examination готовиться к экзамену; сдавать экзамен...

    expect v. 
    • expect v. 2) рассчитывать, надеяться (from/of) Don't expect sudden improvements from this class. The whole family expects great things of him. Aren't you expecting too much of your mother, leaving all your children with her while you go on holiday?...

    dominate v. 
    • dominate v. 1) господствовать; властвовать (over) Powerful nations usually dominate over small weak countries. The teacher must learn not to dominate over her class....

    exact 2. v. 
    • exact 2. v. 2) взыскивать (from, of) The government exacts taxes from every wage earner above a certain level of income. The teacher exacts obedience from the class....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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