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    punch out 
    • punch out а) компостировать; The railway official punched a hole out of my ticket. б) выбивать (гвоздь и т.п.); If you can't pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board. в) amer. отмечать время ухода с работы; What time do the workers punch out on Fridays?...

    mode noun 
    pension off 
    • pension off а) увольнять на пенсию; One way to deal with unemployment is to pension off the firm's older workers at an earlier age than usual. б) coll. переставать пользоваться (чем-л.), переставать эксплуатировать (что-л.); It's time this old washing machine was pensioned off; it keeps breaking down....

    be in harmony with 
    • be in harmony with иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л. иметь одинаковые вкусы, мнения с кем-л. Luckily, the chairman's views are in harmony with those of his committee. Being in harmony with one's fellow workers is an important part of any job....

    be in accord with 
    • be in accord with иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л.; иметь одинаковые вкусы, мнения с кем-л. Luckily, the chairman's views are in accord with those of his committee. Being in accord with one's fellow workers is an important part of any job....

    sign up 
    • sign up а) записаться (в армию, на курсы и т.п.); Many men sign up for the army because they can't get ordinary jobs. б) поступить на работу He signed up as a salesman with this new firm. в) нанять на работу We have been lucky to sign up so many experienced workers....

    brew up 
    • brew up а) заваривать (чай) Let's brew up some, more tea. The workers are still spending too much time brewing up, this practice will have to stop! б) постепенно увеличиваться I think there's a storm brewing up. There's trouble brewing up at the meeting....

    general I adj. 
    • general I adj. 1) общий, общего характера, всеобщий; генеральный - general meeting - general impression - general public - general workers - general strike - general hospital - in general...

    measure up (to; иногда тж. with) 
    • measure up (to; иногда тж. with) а) достигать (уровня); б) соответствовать, отвечать (требованиям); The prisoner measures up to the description the police have of the wanted jewel thief. в) оправдывать (надежды); I always give new workers a short contract to begin with, as I want to see how they measure up....

    stand off 
    • stand off а) держаться на расстоянии от; отодвинуться от; We stood off 500 of the enemy forces for nine days; б) отстранить, уволить (на время); 300 workers at the car factory were stood off when there was a lack of steel; в) naut. удаляться от берега; Three battleships were kept standing off as a silent threat to the island people....

    punch in 
    • punch in а) вбивать, загонять внутрь (гвоздь и т.п.); Make sure that all the nails are punched in so that the floor is smooth. б) проделывать отверстие (в чем-л.); This school paper comes provided with holes already punched in it. в) amer. отмечать время прихода на работу; Have all the workers punched in yet?...

    skirt around/round 
    • skirt around/round coll. уклоняться (от чего-л.); You can't skirt round the matter, you'll have to give the workers a definite answer....

    kick around 
    • kick around а) грубо обращаться There must be something wrong with a child who kicks his toys around. б) sl. рассматривать со всех сторон The committee kicked your suggestion around for over an hour before deciding that they could not accept it. в) придираться, отдавать ненужные приказы The directors will find that times have changed; they can no longer kick the workers around and make them do whatever they want....

    cost 1. noun 
    • cost 1. noun 1) цена, стоимость (тж. перен.) cost, insurance and freight (сокр. с. i. f.) comm. - стоимость, страхование, фрахт - prime cost - costs of production - cost of living - cost and freight...

    capacity noun 
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