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    plot I 2. v. 
    • plot I 2. v. 2) наносить (данные) на график или карту; чертить, вычерчивать кривую, график или диаграмму; During the sea battle, the positions of the ships were plotted on a big wall map....

    pin 2. v. 
    • pin 2. v. 1) прикалывать (обыкн. pin up; to, on); скреплять, скалывать (обыкн. pin together); to pin up a notice on the wall; to pin papers together; The Queen pinned the Military Cross on the soldier's chest. Be careful with that collar, it's just pinned to the dress....

    against prep. 
    • against prep. 2) указывает на опору, фон, препятствие о, об, по, на, к against a dark background - на темном фоне she leaned against the fence - она прислонилась к забору a ladder standing against the wall - лестница, прислоненная к стене to knock against a stone - споткнуться о камень...

    come close to 
    • come close to быть близким чему-л. Your suggestion comes close to what we were looking for. The book comes close to perfection. The boy came close to falling off the high wall....

    block up 
    • block up а) закрывать что-л., препятствуя прохождению The pipe is blocked up again and there's water all over the floor. You'd better block up that hole in the wall; it's letting the cold in. б) закреплять что-л. с помощью блоков You will have to block up the wheel of the car to change the tyre....

    thud 2. v. 
    • thud 2. v. 2) ударяться с глухим стуком; bullets thuded into the sandbags - пули глухо ударялись по мешкам с песком; The car went out of control and thudded against the wall. The bullet thudded into the metal shield, but did no harm....

    paint in 
    • paint in вписывать красками; They painted the whole wall yellow, and then painted in a false door to balance the effect. The trees in the background were painted in later by a different artist....

    to 1. prep. 
    • to 1. prep. 8) указывает на принадлежность к чему-л. или на прикрепление к чему-л.; к; to fasten to the wall - прикрепить к стене; key to the door - ключ от двери; there is an outpatient department attached to our hospital - при нашей больнице есть поликлиника...

    vamp I 2. v. 
    • vamp I 2. v. 2) чинить, латать (обыкн. vamp up); I can vamp up the wall, but it won't look good...

    writing 1. noun 
    • writing 1. noun 5) стиль, форма (литературного произведения); манера письма - the writing on the wall...

    chain 2. v. 
    • chain 2. v. 1) скреплять, приковывать цепью к кому-л., чему-л. (to) in former times, prisoners were chained to the wall or to one another. to chain up - привязывать (обычно животное) в помещении Of course the dog makes such a noise, the poor creature is chained up all day....

    peer II v. 
    • peer II v. 1) вглядываться, всматриваться (at, into, through); Even after peering at the letter, I still could not recognize the signature. She stood on the shore for some time, peering into the distance, long after the ship had gone. Opening the window, she peered out into the darkness, but could see nothing. There's a hole in the wall where you can peer through....

    abdominal adj. 
    • abdominal adj. 1) абдоминальный, брюшной abdominal belt - набрюшник abdominal murmur - урчание в животе abdominal pains - боли в области живота - abdominal cavity - abdominal wall - abdominal pregnancy...

    mutual adj. 
    • mutual adj. 2) общий, совместный; our mutual friend - наш общий друг; - mutual wall Syn: common, interchangeable, joint, reciprocal, shared Ant: individual, inseparable, particular, separate, unshared...

    paint 2. v. 
    • paint 2. v. 2) красить, окрашивать; расписывать (стену и т. п.); to paint a fence - покрасить забор; to paint a wall - расписать стену...

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