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    corner 1. noun 
    • corner 1. noun 7) sport корнер, угловой удар hole and corner transactions - тайные махинации...

    peck II 2. v. 
    • peck II 2. v. 1) клевать (at), долбить клювом; to peck a hole - продолбить дырку; That bird makes such a terrible noise, pecking at the tree in search of insects. The chickens fight by pecking at each other....

    ace noun 
    • ace noun 4) coll. маленькая частица, йота not worth an ace - нет ни грана; ни гроша не стоит within an ace of- на волосок от, на грани, чуть не within an ace of death - на волосок от смерти ace in the hole amer. - скрытое преимущество to have an ace up one's sleeve - иметь козырь про запас...

    punch out 
    • punch out а) компостировать; The railway official punched a hole out of my ticket. б) выбивать (гвоздь и т.п.); If you can't pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board. в) amer. отмечать время ухода с работы; What time do the workers punch out on Fridays?...

    peer II v. 
    • peer II v. 1) вглядываться, всматриваться (at, into, through); Even after peering at the letter, I still could not recognize the signature. She stood on the shore for some time, peering into the distance, long after the ship had gone. Opening the window, she peered out into the darkness, but could see nothing. There's a hole in the wall where you can peer through....

    ram down 
    • ram down а) утрамбовывать; The men are using a heavy machine to ram down the surface of the newly mended road. б) забивать, вколачивать; We had to ram the pipe down a narrow hole to get it through. to ram smth. down smb.'s throat пристать с чем-л. как с ножом к горлу; заставлять (кого-л.) помнить (о чем-л. неприятном); I do not like having our lack of money rammed down my throat every time I want some new clothes....

    cavity noun 
    excavation noun 
    hollow 1. noun 
    run away 
    • run away а) убегать; вытекать (о жидкости) Don't run away, I want to talk to you. There's a hole in my bucket, and the water is running away. б) бежать, уклоняться (from - от чего-л.); избегать (from - чего-л.) He was so unhappy that he tried to run away from school. We can't run away from the facts. в) понести (о лошади); потерять управление (об автомобиле и т. п.) He was an inexperienced rider, and the horse soon ran away with him. г) намного обогнать (других участников соревнования)...

    poke I 2. v. 
    • poke I 2. v. 1) совать, пихать, тыкать, толкать (тж. poke in, poke up, poke down, etc.); He poked at the meat with his fork, but it seemed undercooked. He poked the stick in the hole, but no animal came out....

    cubby noun 
    slip into 
    • slip into а) (незаметно) всунуть (что-л. куда-л.); You slip the envelope into the hole in the top of the box б) незаметно войти; I'll slip into the room at the back, if you'll save me a place. в) постепенно впадать в какое-л. состояние; You have slipped into a bad habit of repeating yourself. г) быстро одеться; Wait here while I slip into something cooler....

    mining noun 
    • mining noun 3) attr. горный, рудный; - mining camp - mining claim - mining engineer - mining hole - mining machine...

    board I 2. v. 
    • board I 2. v. 1) настилать пол; обшивать досками to board in/up - обшивать досками There used to be a hole in the fence that we could creep through, but it's been boarded in. The windows were boarded up when the owner died and the shop was closed....

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