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    root out 
    • root out а) вырывать с корнем, уничтожать We must root out all the dead plants. The government must make efforts to root out ineffective parts of the system. б) выискивать, подыскивать Can you root out some good players for the team?...

    restrict v. 
    • restrict v. ограничивать; заключать (в пределы); to restrict to a diet - посадить на диету; His power was restricted within narrow limits. Certain information is restricted to government officials....

    pantomime 1. noun 
    • pantomime 1. noun 4) представление, фарс; The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill....

    draw into 
    • draw into а) медленно подъезжать к остановке The train is just drawing into the station. if we hurry we can catch it б) вовлекать кого-л. во что-л. My brother was drawn into a fight outside the hotel. Many other areas are being drawn into the government's plans for rehousing the population....

    go about 
    • go about б) циркулировать, иметь хождение (о слухах; о деньгах) Stories have been going about concerning the government's secret intentions. в) делать поворот кругом г) naut. делать поворот оверштаг The sailors have the hardest time when going about. To sail forward against the wind, we had to go about....

    bring about 
    • bring about а) осуществлять б) вызывать By his own efforts, Charles Fax brought about the fall of the government. Major changes will have to be brought about in British industry. в) повернуть лодку или корабль обратно If the wind changes you'll have to bring her about....

    claw back 
    • claw back компенсировать дополнительными налогами суммы, израсходованные на увеличение государственных пособий The government claws back some of the money which it gives to arts organizations, in the form of tax....

    chevy into 
    • chevy into подстегивать кого-л. в чем-л. Members of Parliament must chivy the government into action. People often have to be chivied into finding a job. to chevy up постоянно поучать, отдавать приказания You'll have to chivy the children up about their schoolwork....

    rule out 
    • rule out а) вычеркивать Rule out neatly any words which you do not wish the examiner to read. б) исключать The government has ruled out any further support for the industry. в) мешать, препятствовать A sudden storm ruled out the boat race....

    parity I noun 
    • parity I noun 3) econ. паритет; The government was ready to let the pound sink to parity with the dollar....

    peg down 
    • peg down а) закреплять колышками; прибивать гвоздями; Make sure the tent is safely pegged down in this high wind. б) связывать, стеснять, ограничивать; If he's not pegged down to a certain course of action, he gets lazy. в) искуственно поддерживать цены на более низком уровне; The government is attempting to peg down the price of food....

    wave aside 
    • wave aside а) не принимать (во внимание и т.п.); отмахнуться (от чего-л.); Waving aside all opposition to the plan, the Minister spoke about the government's intentions to go ahead with it. б) сделать знак отойти или замолчать; I tried to speak, but she waved me aside and called on my neighbour to speak....

    gull II 2. v. 
    • gull II 2. v. обманывать, дурачить (into; out of) The government tries to gull the taxpayers into believing that their money is being properly spent. The salesman tried to gull the old lady out of her money, but she didn't trust him and would not give him anything....

    rumour 2. v. 
    • rumour 2. v. распространять слухи; рассказывать новости; it is rumoured that - ходят слухи, что; It is being rumoured abroad that the Minister is to be dismissed from the government....

    strike at 
    • strike at а) наносить удар, нападать; The fighter struck at his opponent but missed; б) нападать (словесно); Many of the newspapers struck at the government's latest plan; в) покушаться; This new law strikes at the rights of every citizen....

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