Ðîññèéñêàÿ Èíôîðìàöèîííàÿ Ñåòü


  Ñëîâàðè  Îáùèå ñâåäåíèÿ  Ïîìîùü

     âûáîðêà îïèñàíèå
    eminent adj. 
    preach v. 
    • preach v. 1) ïðîïîâåäîâàòü; ÷èòàòü ïðîïîâåäü; He was preaching the word of God to a small crowd of worshippers. All the great churchmen have preached against immorality....

    range 2. v. 
    • range 2. v. 9) áûòü íà îäíîì óðîâíå; îòíîñèòüñÿ ê ÷èñëó; He ranges with the great writers. - Åãî ìîæíî ïîñòàâèòü â îäèí ðÿä ñ âåëèêèìè ïèñàòåëÿìè....

    set forth 
    • set forth à) èçëàãàòü, ôîðìóëèðîâàòü, îáúÿñíÿòü; The details of the agreement are set forth in the contract. á) îòïðàâëÿòüñÿ (â ïóòåøåñòâèå è ò. ï.) Setting forth on a journey meant a great deal of preparation. â) âûñòàâëÿòü (íàïîêàç) The wedding gifts were set forth for all to admire....

    notable 1. adj. 
    crowded adj. 
    • crowded adj. 2) ïîëíûé, íàïîëíåííûé life crowded with great events - æèçíü, ïîëíàÿ âåëèêèõ ñîáûòèé...

    muffle 2. v. 
    • muffle 2. v. 1) çàêóòûâàòü, îêóòûâàòü (÷àñòî muffle up); And in his mantle muffling up his face...great Caeser fell....

    clear 2. adv. 
    • clear 2. adv. 8) ðàñïðîäàâàòü (òîâàð) great reductions in order to clear - áîëüøàÿ ñêèäêà ñ öåëüþ ðàñïðîäàæè...

    rise 2. v. 
    • rise 2. v. 13) âîñêðåñàòü, îæèâàòü; âîçðîæäàòüñÿ; The people saw the great church rise from the ashes of the original one....

    wage against 
    • wage against âåñòè âîéíó, áîðîòüñÿ; In the past, the great powers would wage war against helpless little countries so as to gain their land...

    swallow I 2. v. 
    • swallow I 2. v. 2) ïîãëîùàòü (îáûêí. swallow up); The great fish opened its month and swallowed him up whole....

    pilot 2. v. 
    • pilot 2. v. 1) âåñòè, óïðàâëÿòü; ïèëîòèðîâàòü; to pilot one's way - ïðîêëàäûâàòü ñåáå äîðîãó; With great skill, he piloted the boat in/into the little harbour....

    retrieve 1. v. 
    • retrieve 1. v. 7) ñïàñàòü; Only great efforts can retrieve the firm from ruin. Syn: see recover...

    buckle up 
    • buckle up à) êîðîáèòüñÿ The metal bridge buckled up in the great heat, and the cars which were crossing it fell into the river. á) ïðèñòåãèâàòü ðåìíè â ìàøèíå According to the new law, all drivers and passengers must buckle up....

    expect v. 
    • expect v. 2) ðàññ÷èòûâàòü, íàäåÿòüñÿ (from/of) Don't expect sudden improvements from this class. The whole family expects great things of him. Aren't you expecting too much of your mother, leaving all your children with her while you go on holiday?...

    <<< Íàçàä   1 ... 6 7 [8]    Äàëüøå >>>

Íàøè ïðîåêòû
Áåëûå ñòðàíèöû Ðîññèè
V.I.P. çîíà Ðîññèè
Òåëåôîííàÿ êíèãà
Ëó÷øåå â Èíòåðíåòå
Îáðàòíàÿ ñâÿçü

  1. Êàêîé ó òåáÿ õàðàêòåð?
  2. IQ
  3. Ïñèõîëîãè÷åñêèé âîçðàñò
  4. Ëþáèò - íå ëþáèò
  5. Êîãî íàçíà÷èò âàì ñóäüáà?
  6. Æäåò ëè âàñ óñïåõ?
  7. Êàêîìó òèïó ìóæ÷èí âû íðàâèòåñü?
  8. Ïîñìîòðèòå íà ñåáÿ ñî ñòîðîíû
  9. Êàêàÿ ðàáîòà äëÿ âàñ ïðåäïî÷òèòåëüíåå?
  10. Åñòü ëè ó òåáÿ øåñòîå ÷óâñòâî?
[ïîêàçàòü âñå òåñòû]

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