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    rain in 
    • rain in а) промокать, пропускать дождь б) проникать в помещение (о дожде); There must be a hole in the roof, it's raining in....

    spout 2. v. 
    • spout 2. v. 1) бить струей, струиться, литься потоком (from); Water was spouting from a hole in the pipe....

    expel v. 
    • expel v. 2) выбрасывать, выталкивать (from) These large sea creatures make wises by expelling air from their lungs through a hole in the top of their bodies....

    rat I 1. noun 
    • rat I 1. noun 5) attr. крысиный, мышиный; - rat race like a drowned rat - промокший до костей like a rat in a hole - в безвыходном положении - smell a rat...

    probe 2. v. 
    • probe 2. v. 1) med. зондировать; прощупывать; опробовать; делать испытание; Probing into my bad tooth with my tongue,I could feel the enlarged hole....

    velocity noun 
    leak out 
    • leak out а) просочиться; There's a hole in the bucket and the water is leaking out. б) обнаружиться, стать известным; The news of his appointment leaked out before it was officially made known....

    scrape out 
    • scrape out выскребать; выкапывать The children loved scraping out the bowl in which we had mixed the cake. This animal scrapes out a hole in the sand to lay its eggs in....

    poke out 
    • poke out высовывать, высовываться; The animal was in the hole because it left its tail poking out. Poke your nose out (of the window) and see if it's still raining....

    pierce v. 
    • pierce v. 2) пробуравливать, просверливать; пробивать отверстие; to pierce a hole - пробить дыру...

    introduce v. 
    • introduce v. 1) вводить; вставлять (into) You need a special tool to introduce the pipe into the hole....

    poky adj. 
    • poky adj. 1) тесный, убогий; a poky hole of a place - захолустье, дыра...

    altitude noun 
    • altitude noun 4) attr.; aeron. высотный altitude control - высотное управление, высотный корректор; руль высоты altitude correction - поправка на высоту altitude flight - высотный полет altitude gauge (measurer) - альтиметр, высотомер...

    look through 
    • look through а) смотреть в (окно и т.п.); The boys watched the football match, by looking through a hole in the fence. б) просматривать что-л.; I'll look through my notes but I don't think I have a record of his name. в) видеть кого-л. насквозь; Every time I try to fool him, he looks through me/my tricks г) не замечать; I said good morning but she looked straight through me and walked on....

    seal up 
    • seal up а) заклеивать, запечатывать Let me add a few words to the letter before you seal the envelope up. б) замазывать (дыру и т. п.) You'd better seal up that hole in the wall....

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