Российская Информационная Сеть


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    the narrow home 
    home-grown adj. 
    home 1. noun 
    home-keeping 1. adj. 
    home science 
    home-bred adj. 
    come up for 
    • come up for выставляться на продажу It was sad to see grandmother's lovely old things coming up for auction. The house comes up for sale next month....

    come up to 
    • come up to а) приближаться The time is coming up to 10 o'clock. б) достигать Your behaviour does not come up to the expected standard. The play came up to all our expectations....

    come up 
    • come up а) подниматься, вырастать, возникать to come up for discussion стать предметом обсуждения б) всходить (о растении) в) приезжать (из провинции в большой город, университет и т.п.) When do the students come up? Do come up to London and see us. When do the next lot of young soldiers come up? г) предстать перед судом д) подходить (to) While I was waiting for the bus, a man came up and started asking questions. I could hear footsteps coming up behind me. More soldiers are coming up soon to help in the battle. е) достигать уровня, сравниваться (to) ж) нагонять кого-л. (with) з) наносить визит Come up and see me some time. и) случаться, происходить I'll let you know if anything comes up. A change may come up soon. к) упоминаться Your question came up at the meeting His name never comes up in our conversation these days. л) выигрывать Did your horse come up? м) изменять мнение о ком-л. (в худшую сторону) That politician has come up in my opinion since I heard his last speech. н) чиститься, проясняться The paintwork came up beautifully. о) coll. стараться показать свою значительность; важничать Don't you try to come up, young man! п) тошнить Poor Jane is being sick again this morning, that light meal I gave her came up in a few minutes....

    come around to 
    • come around to а) находить что-л. Put the food where the cat can't come at it. I wanted to reply to your letter in detail, but I can't come at it anywhere. б) гнаться за кем-л. I saw the big dog coming at me. в) обнаруживать It is always difficult to come at the truth....

    harvest home noun 
    commute v. 
    • commute v. 5) совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода (between) My father used to commute between his home in the country and his office in the city. My father used to commute the ten miles between his home in the country awl his office in the city....

    HHFA Housing and Home Finance Agency noun 
    • HHFA Housing and Home Finance Agency noun Агентство по финансированию жилищного строительства (США)...

    come in on 
    • come in on а) присоединиться к чему-л. Can I come in on your plan? б) окружать кого-л., доставляя неудобства I don't like big rooms with crowds of people coming in on me. в) напомнить Suddenly it came in on me that I had left the key behind. Just then it came in on me where I had seen her before....

    stay-at-home noun 
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