Российская Информационная Сеть


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    walk into 
    • walk into а) входить; He was last seen walking into the Town Hall. б) coll. бранить, набрасываться с бранью (на кого-л.); I could hear the director walking into Jim for being late again. в) sl. есть, уплетать; That boy walked into the meal as if he hadn't seen food for a week. г) coll. натолкнуться, попасть; he walked into the ambush он натолкнулся на засаду; д) coll. легко получить работу; No one was surprised when she walked into the top position....

    convenience noun 
    be off 
    • be off а) уходить the train is off поезд ушел б) начинать движение, особенно в гонке They're off! в) (о еде в ресторане) заканчиваться I'm sorry, the lamb is off, may I suggest some chicken? г) (о еде) испортиться This fish is off. I won't buy it. д) освобождаться от работы I'm off at 6.00; let's meet then. е) начинать долго говорить на какую-то тему Oh dear, Father's off again on his favourite subject-himself! ж) запасаться How we you off for clothes? з) заканчивать принимать (лекарство) How soon can mother be off her medicine? и) не хотеть, не быть заинтересованным Jane has been off her food since she caught a cold. I've been off that kind of music for some time now....

    fall on 
    • fall on а) нападать; набрасываться The hungry children fell on the food. The soldiers fell on the enemy. б) выпадать на чью-л. долю It falls on me to thank our chairman for his speech. в) приступать к чему-л. He fell on the new idea and in the course of time wrote an important book about it. г) достигать Sunlight fell on the water, making it shine. д) приходиться на какое-л. число Christmas Day falls on a Thursday this year. My birthday falls on a Sunday....

    ready-to-serve adj. 
    cut out 
    • cut out а) вырезать; кроить б) вытеснять Mary was going to marry Charles but Jim cut him out. The big now store is going to cut all the small shops out. в) naut. отрезать судно от берега г) electr. выключать We were halfway up the hill when the engine cut out. The heating cuts out when the room reaches a certain temperature. д) cards выходить из игры е) прекратить что-л. делать The doctor told my husband to cut out meat from his food. I wish she would cut out that stupid behaviour. ж) вычеркнуть кого-л. из сознания He cut his brother out (of his will) after their quarrel. з) выходить из своего ряда (об автомобилях) It's dangerous to cut out when all the cars are moving fast....

    send out 
    • send out а) отправить (из помещения), выгнать, заставить выйти If you children don't behave properly, I will send you out (of the classroom). Why did you send the children out to play б) выпускать, испускать; излучать; the trees send out leaves деревья покрываются листвой The fire sent out a lot of smoke but little damage was caused. в) отправлять, посылать The youngest son was sent out to Canada. I'll send out some more money as soon as I have some. г) рассылать Have the wedding invitations been sent out yet? д) (for) посылать куда-л. за чем-л., заказывать We can always send out for some tasty food. е) radio передавать to send out messages передавать сообщения...

    ready-to-cook adj. 
    break into 
    • break into а) вламываться The thieves waited until it was dark enough to break into the house. This box looks as if it's been broken into. б) разразиться (смехом, слезами) The singers broke into song. Mary broke (forth) into laughter. в) to break into smb.'s time отнять у кого-л. время г) прервать (разговор) The children broke into the conversation with demandsfor attention. My aunt's regular visits break into my weekend. д) неожиданно начинать (действие) The men broke into a run. As I grew more afraid, I broke into a cold sweat. е) неохотно использовать часть чего-л. (денег и т.п.) I shall have to break into my savings to pay for the holiday. I don't want to break into a L10 note unless I really have to. I keep a small supply of tinned food in the bottom cupboard, to be broken into only in case of real need....

    dispose v. 
    • dispose v. 2) располагать, склонять I am disposed to think that - я склонен думать, что they are well/kindly disposed towards us - они хорошо к нам относятся - dispose of dispose of а) распорядиться to dispose of property распорядиться имуществом (путем продажи, дара, завещания) б) отделаться, избавиться; ликвидировать to dispose of an argument устранить, опровергнуть аргумент в) разрушить (довод и т.д.) The next speaker quickly disposed of his weak argument. The experienced politician disposed of the attack in a few minutes. It did not take long for the old fighter to dispose of his young but inexperienced opponent. г) найти решение Well, that disposes of the difficulty of choosing a holiday place. д) доедать, допивать Those children certainly disposed of all the food that I prepared for the party!...

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