Российская Информационная Сеть


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    fish for 
    • fish for а) искать в воде (жемчуг и т.п.) б) coll. выуживать (секреты) в) coll. напрашиваться, набиваться to fish for compliments (for an invitation) напрашиваться на комплименты (на приглашение) г) пытаться нащупать He fished for a coin in his pocket. Blinded by the steam, he had to fish around for the soap in his bath....

    operating adj. 
    • operating adj. 1) операционный; - operating knife - operating table -operating surgeon...

    poniard 1. noun 
    borough noun 
    • borough noun 1) небольшой город - municipal borough - Parliamentary borough - close borough - pocket borough - rotten borough...

    trade 2. v. 
    • trade 2. v. 2) обменивать(ся); a boy traded his knife for a pup - мальчик обменял свой ножик на щенка; they traded insults - они осыпали друг друга оскорблениями; we traded seats - мы обменялись местами - trade at - trade in - trade down - trade for - trade in - trade off - trade upon - trade up Syn: see barter...

    dagger 1. noun 
    dip 2. v.; past and past part. dipped dipt 
    • dip 2. v.; past and past part. dipped dipt 10) geol. падать, понижаться (о пластах) 11) aeron. резко терять высоту (о самолете) - dip into - dip out - dip up to dip into one's pocket/purse - раскошеливаться to dip in the gravy - прикарманить общественные деньги to dip one's pen in gall - зло, желчно писать о чем-л. Syn: see immerse...

    come through 
    • come through а) проходить внутрь, проникать Just then the branches divided and a small head came through. The leather has worn, and the point of the knife comes through. б) остаться в живых Bill came through his operation as cheerful as ever. All my family came through the war. в) выпутаться из неприятного положения г) появляться (о чем-л. ожидаемом) Has the train come through? My examination results will come through by post. Your permission to take a week's holiday with pay has just come through. д) выясняться His ability did not come through when we examined his papers. е) быть полученным (по радио или телефону) The message has just come through on the radio that the general is dying....

    furniture noun 
    feel 1. v.; past and past part. felt 
    • feel 1. v.; past and past part. felt 2) ощупывать; трогать, осязать to feel the edge of a knife - пробовать лезвие ножа to feel the pulse of smb. - щупать чей-л. пульс; fig. стараться выяснить чьи-л. желания, намерения и т.п.; прощупывать...

    edition noun 
    butcher 1. noun 
    draw 2. v.; past drew; past part. drawn 
    • draw 2. v.; past drew; past part. drawn 4) вытаскивать, выдергивать; вырывать to draw the sword - обнажить шпагу; fig. начать войну to draw the knife - угрожать ножом...

    divided into 
    • divided into а) нырять The water's quite deep enough to dive into. He dived into cleanly, entering the water in a straight line. б) coll. активно начинать какую-л. деятельность He sat down and at once dived into a pile of potatoes. Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking. в) coll. проникать, входить неожиданно I was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him. г) сунуть (руку куда-л.) Diving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time. He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key....

    dive into 
    • dive into а) нырять The water's quite deep enough to dive into. He dived into cleanly, entering the water in a straight line. б) coll. активно начинать какую-л. деятельность He sat down and at once dived into a pile of potatoes. Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking. в) coll. проникать, входить неожиданно I was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him. г) сунуть руку куда-л. Diving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time. He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key....

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