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    chop I 2. v. 
    • chop I 2. v. 2) нарезать; крошить to chop about - безжалостно разрезать, испортить The book has been badly chopped about at the printer's. to chop back - отрезать The tree is too big, you'll have to chop back some of the branches. to chop into - нарезать на куски Ask the man in the shop to chop the meat into little bits....

    board I 2. v. 
    • board I 2. v. 1) настилать пол; обшивать досками to board in/up - обшивать досками There used to be a hole in the fence that we could creep through, but it's been boarded in. The windows were boarded up when the owner died and the shop was closed....

    curiosity noun 
    barge into 
    • barge into а) быстро вбежать The door burst open and the children barged in (to the room). The children barged into the room, shouting. б) удариться, врезаться That rude man barged into me in the shop. в) неожиданно встретить кого-л. I barged into an old friend in town today....

    sit on 
    • sit on а) быть членом (комиссии); Please don't ask me to sit on any more committees this year б) разбирать (дело и т.п.); The police are still sitting on the mystery of the stolen jewels. в) coll. осадить; выбранить That boy will have to be sat on hard; he can't be allowed to behave like that. г) coll. скрывать, засекречивать We'd better sit on the jewels for several months, until it's safe to try to sell them. д) coll. тянуть с ответом, оттягивать (решение и т.п.) The shop has been sitting on my complaint for more than a month....

    constrain v. 
    • constrain v. 2) сдерживать; сжимать (from) The police used horses to constrain the crowd from violence. The police used horses to constrain the crowd from breaking the shop windows....

    chemist noun 
    run over 
    • run over а) переливаться через край The bathwater is running over! б) выходить (за некоторый предел) We've tried to keep the cost of the repairs in the original sum, but we may run over by a few pounds. в) переехать, задавить (кого-л.) Slow down, you might run someone over. The train ran over the bus,killing nine people. г) просматривать; повторять Just run over your notes before the examination. д) пробегать (глазами; пальцами по клавишам и т. п.) to run an eye over smth. окинуть взглядом, бегло просмотреть что-л. е) съездить, сходить Will you run over to the shop and get some butter? ж) бить ключом; быть переполненным (каким-л. чувством, идеями и т.п.) (with) Students usually run over with inventiveness....

    tend II v.; abbr. of attend 
    • tend II v.; abbr. of attend 2) обслуживать; to tend shop amer. - обслуживать покупателей Syn: see nurse...

    deal I 2. v.; past and past part. dealt 
    • deal I 2. v.; past and past part. dealt 4) торговать (in - чем-л.); вести торговые дела (with - с кем-л.) This shop deals in woollen goods. Head Office deals with all complaints. How do you deal with noisy children? There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business....

    assembly noun 
    • assembly noun 7) attr. сборочный assembly line - сборочный конвейер assembly shop - сборочный цех...

    clear off 
    • clear off а) отделываться от чего-л. б) проясняться (о погоде) In the afternoon, the mist cleared off and the rest of the day was fine. в) coll. убираться just clear off at once! убирайтесь немедленно! г) убирать, устранять кого-л., что-л. Please clear your papers off so that I can serve dinner. д) убирать со стола Please help your mother to clear off. Please help your mother to clear off the table. е) полностью заплатить долг I'm glad I've cleared off the money I owed my mother. ж) дешево продать товар The shop decided to clear off the summer clothes when the new winter fashions arrived. з) заканчивать что-л. I'd like to clear off the rest of the work which was waiting for me after my holiday....

    make up 
    • make up а) пополнять, возмещать, компенсировать; наверстывать; You must make up the time that you have wasted this afternoon, by working late tonight. б) составлять, собирать; комплектовать; These three articles make up the whole book. в) гримировать(ся); г) подкраситься, подмазаться; Fewer women are making up these days, many prefer a more natural look. д) выдумывать; I couldn't remember a fairy story to tell to the children, so I made one up as I went along. е) устраивать, улаживать; ж) мириться; let us make it up давайте забудем это, давайте помиримся; з) шить; кроить; This shop will make up a customer's own material. и) typ. верстать; We need someone with experience of making up a page. к) подходить, приближаться; л) подлизываться, подхалимничать; to make up to smb. заискивать, лебезить перед кем-л.; м) укладывать, увязывать; Can you make up these papers into parcels of about twenty each? н) исполнять (письменное распоряжение); The chemist is still making up the doctor's order, and says it will be ready in half an hour. о) поддерживать огонь; This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every hour....

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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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