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    head office noun 
    come out for 
    • come out for а) бастовать (с какой-л. целью) The Post Office workers have come out for more pay. б) поддерживать The speaker came out for all women everywhere....

    have up 
    • have up а) приглашать I'd like to have the workers' leaders up to my office to express their complaints. We had the whole family up to our home in London to see the Queens crowning. б) вызывать в суд This is the third time that Peter has been had up this year!...

    call away 
    • call away отзывать I'm sorry, Mr Sharp is not in the office at the moment, he's been called away to attend a meeting....

    trig out 
    • trig out держать в порядке; наряжать; Is his office all trigged out ready for the new director?...

    slam down 
    • slam down со стуком бросать, швырять She slammed down the letter and walked angrily out of the office....

    see up 
    • see up а) видеть (кого-л., что-л.) на чем-л. I can see a bird up the chimney. б) проводить (кого-л.) наверх I'll see you up to the director's office on the top floor....

    snow in 
    • snow in заносить, заваливать снегом Many office workers were forced to stay home as they were snowed in....

    slip up 
    • slip up а) споткнуться; б) coll. совершить ошибку Someone must have slipped up - the note should have left the office two weeks ago....

    swamp 2. v. 
    • swamp 2. v. 2) usu. past part. засыпать, заваливать (письмами, заявлениями и т.п.) (with); The office has been swamped with complaints about the washing machines....

    call at 
    • call at останавливаться (где-л.) I called at the office as I was passing, but you were out. The ship calls at several ports to pick up passengers before crossing the ocean....

    war 1. noun 
    • war 1. noun 3) attr. военный; war crimes - военные преступления; - War Office - war seat - on a war footing - war effort - war loan - war hawk...

    continue v. 
    • continue v. 1) продолжать(ся); оставаться; сохранять(ся); пребывать to continue smb. in office - оставлять кого-л. в должности - be continued...

    head up 
    • head up давать заголовок, шапку (в газете и т.п.) One of my jobs at the newspaper office was to head up the page before it was printed....

    direct 3. v. 
    • direct 3. v. 5) указывать дорогу Can you direct me to the post-office? - Не скажете ли вы мне, как пройти на почту?...

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
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