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    hunt for 
    • hunt for искать, добиваться The whole neighbourhood have been hunting for the missing child. I've been hunting for my watch everywhere, and you had it all the time?...

    search through 
    • search through искать, отыскивать; рыться (в чем-л.) I spent ten minutes searching through the drawer for the key, and it was in my bag all the time! Police with dogs are searching through the woods for the missing child....

    reproach 2. v. 
    • reproach 2. v. упрекать, укорять, попрекать, бранить; The boy should be reproached for his rudeness. The parents have reproached the school with failing to teach the child how to read. Syn: see rebuke...

    story I noun 
    • story I noun 4) coll.; mainly child. выдумка; ложь; don't tell stories - не сочиняйте...

    chop about 
    • chop about а) внезапно менять направление (о ветре) б) меняться, изменяться When the storm arose, the wind chopped about and the little boat nearly sank. It's better for a child to be treated severely all the time than to have parents who keep chopping about from kindness to cruelty....

    rescue 2. v. 
    • rescue 2. v. 1) спасать; избавлять, освобождать; выручать; The child was rescued from the burning house by her uncle. Only the young singer's excellent performance rescued the concert from complete failure....

    commend v. 
    • commend v. 1) хвалить; рекомендовать (for) The girl should be commended for her bravery in saving the drowning child. The reporters have commended Tom's book for its interesting story, but expressed dissatisfaction with the development of the characters....

    plunge down 
    • plunge down а) круто спускаться (о дороге и т.п.); The path plunges down (the cliff) to the sea. б) бросаться круто вниз; Without stopping to think of his own safety, he plunged down (the river bank) to save the drowning child....

    conceive of 
    • conceive of представлять I cannot conceive of such cruelty as to take a child away from its mother. It's difficult to conceive of travelling to the moon. Can you conceive of her doing such a stupid thing?...

    cover up 
    • cover up а) спрятать, тщательно прикрыть He tried to cover up his guilt by lying. б) закрывать The child kept kicking the bedclothes off, so his mother had to keep covering him up. Cover yourself up, it's cold. Cover up the soup to keep it hot....

    burnt adj. 
    • burnt adj. жженый, горелый - burnt gas - burnt offering burnt child dreads the fire prov. - обжегшись на молоке, будешь дуть и на воду; пуганая ворона и куста боится...

    would v. 
    • would v. 4) модальный глагол, выражающий: а) упорство, настойчивость; б) желание; в) вероятность; г) вежливую просьбу; I warned you, but you would do it - я предостерегал вас, но вы непременно хотели поступить так; would I were a child - хотел бы я снова стать ребенком; come when you would - приходите, когда захотите; I would rather/sooner, I would just as soon - я бы предпочел; that would be his house - это, вероятно, его дом; would you help me, please? - не поможете ли вы мне?...

    cuddle 2. v. 
    • cuddle 2. v. 2) прижиматься (друг к другу; часто cuddle up, cuddle together) Stop crying, child, and come and cuddle up to me....

    frame 1. noun 
    • frame 1. noun 4) телосложение sobs shook the child's frame - рыдания сотрясали тело ребенка...

    toddler noun 
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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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