âûáîðêà | îïèñàíèå |
be at a loss
- be at a loss áûòü íåñïîñîáíûì ñêàçàòü/ñäåëàòü ÷òî-ë. The shock was so great that for a moment I was at a loss for words. We were at a loss to know what to do when the jewels were stolen....
strait noun
- strait noun 2) usu. pl. çàòðóäíèòåëüíîå ïîëîæåíèå, ñòåñíåííûå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà, íóæäà; in great straits - â áåäñòâåííîì ïîëîæåíèè...
pal coll. 1. noun
- pal coll. 1. noun òîâàðèù, ïðèÿòåëü; we are great pals - ìû áîëüøèå äðóçüÿ; to make a pal of smb. - ïîäðóæèòüñÿ ñ êåì-ë. Syn: see friend...
emanate v.
- emanate v. 2) ïðîèñõîäèòü (from) Great sadness emanates from his music. Dependence on alcohol often emanates from unhappiness in the home. Syn: see arise...
swoop 2. v.
- swoop 2. v. 2) íàëåòàòü, áðîñàòüñÿ (îáûêí. swoop on, swoop upon); Having seen the mouse from a great height with its sharp eyes, the big bird swooped (down) on it and carried it off for its meal....
usher in
- usher in à) ââîäèòü; When my secretary ushered the visitor in, I received a great shock.; á) âîçâåùàòü (íàñòóïëåíèå, ïðèõîä ÷åãî-ë.); When was the atomic age ushered in?...
leap into
- leap into âíåçàïíî ïîÿâèòüñÿ (î ìûñëè); áðàòüñÿ çà ÷òî-ë.; A great idea just leaped into my mind; let me tell you it. The children leaped into the work of building a sandcastle....
rein in
- rein in à) îñòàíîâèòü, îñàäèòü (ëîøàäü); îñòàíîâèòüñÿ also fig. ; The rider had to rein his horse back when the child ran across his path. á) îáóçäûâàòü, ñäåðæèâàòü, óêðîùàòü; Jim had great difficulty in reining in his anger....
rejoice v.
- rejoice v. 2) îáëàäàòü (in - ÷åì-ë.); His family have always rejoiced in great wealth. I have rejoiced in good health most of my life....
greater adj.
- greater adj. 1) comp. of great 1....
barker II noun
- barker II noun 4) coll. îãíåñòðåëüíîå îðóæèå, îñîá. ðåâîëüâåð great barkers are no biters - íå áîéñÿ ñîáàêè, êîòîðàÿ ëàåò...
topple v.
- topple v. 4) îïóñêàòüñÿ, ïîíèæàòüñÿ; southward the mountainside topples to a great plateau - íà þãå ãîðû ñòàíîâÿòñÿ íèæå è ïåðåõîäÿò â îáøèðíîå ïëîñêîãîðüå - topple down - topple over...
dose 2. v.
- dose 2. v. 1) äàâàòü ëåêàðñòâî äîçàìè; äîçèðîâàòü (with) When you have a bad cold, it is best to dose yourself with aspirin. Doctors dose only people who are dying or in great pain with these powerful dangerous drugs....
think back
- think back ïîìíèòü, âñïîìíèòü; If you think back on the past year, you can see what great changes you have made. Thinking back, it must have been before the war....
look round
- look round à) îãëÿäûâàòüñÿ êðóãîì; Don't look round now, but I think we're being followed. á) âçâåñèòü âñå (ïðåæäå ÷åì äåéñòâîâàòü); Can I help you? No, thanks, I'm just looking round. â) ïîñåùàòü; You've expressed a great deal of interest in the new buildings; would you like to look round? ã) èñêàòü; I've been looking about for a better job since Christmas....
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