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    bung up 
    • bung up а) затыкать, закупоривать The leaves bunged up the hole. б) закладывать (нос при насморке) My nose is bunged up with cold....

    trickle away 
    • trickle away а) вытекать тонкой струйкой, капать; There must be a small hole in the pipe, look at the water trickling away! б) исчезать; the crowd began to trickle away толпа начала постепенно расходиться...

    climb out of 
    • climb out of а) выбираться, вылезать The cat fell into the hole and couldn't climb out of it. б) оправдываться But you were seen taking the book; now try to climb out of that one....

    trickle in 
    • trickle in а) лить тонкой струйкой, по капле; You didn't mend that hole in the roof very well, there's still a little rain trickling in. б) прибывать, приезжать; Some early theatregoers began to trickle in an hour before the show....

    pour through 
    • pour through а) литься сквозь (о свете и т.п.); There's a hole in the roof, and the rain is pouring through! б) валить сквозь/через (о толпе); When the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters poured through (them)....

    bung in 
    • bung in а) швырять Just bung in some old bricks to fill up the hole. б) прерывать Can I bung in a word yet?...

    block up 
    • block up а) закрывать что-л., препятствуя прохождению The pipe is blocked up again and there's water all over the floor. You'd better block up that hole in the wall; it's letting the cold in. б) закреплять что-л. с помощью блоков You will have to block up the wheel of the car to change the tyre....

    toad noun 
    • toad noun 2) отвратительный человек, гадина toad in the hole - бифштекс, запеченный в тесте to eat smb.'s toads - быть чьим-л. приживальщиком...

    corner 1. noun 
    • corner 1. noun 7) sport корнер, угловой удар hole and corner transactions - тайные махинации...

    peck II 2. v. 
    • peck II 2. v. 1) клевать (at), долбить клювом; to peck a hole - продолбить дырку; That bird makes such a terrible noise, pecking at the tree in search of insects. The chickens fight by pecking at each other....

    punch out 
    • punch out а) компостировать; The railway official punched a hole out of my ticket. б) выбивать (гвоздь и т.п.); If you can't pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board. в) amer. отмечать время ухода с работы; What time do the workers punch out on Fridays?...

    ace noun 
    • ace noun 4) coll. маленькая частица, йота not worth an ace - нет ни грана; ни гроша не стоит within an ace of- на волосок от, на грани, чуть не within an ace of death - на волосок от смерти ace in the hole amer. - скрытое преимущество to have an ace up one's sleeve - иметь козырь про запас...

    peer II v. 
    • peer II v. 1) вглядываться, всматриваться (at, into, through); Even after peering at the letter, I still could not recognize the signature. She stood on the shore for some time, peering into the distance, long after the ship had gone. Opening the window, she peered out into the darkness, but could see nothing. There's a hole in the wall where you can peer through....

    ram down 
    • ram down а) утрамбовывать; The men are using a heavy machine to ram down the surface of the newly mended road. б) забивать, вколачивать; We had to ram the pipe down a narrow hole to get it through. to ram smth. down smb.'s throat пристать с чем-л. как с ножом к горлу; заставлять (кого-л.) помнить (о чем-л. неприятном); I do not like having our lack of money rammed down my throat every time I want some new clothes....

    excavation noun 
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