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pontoon II noun
- pontoon II noun cards двадцать одно...
finesse fr. 1. noun
- finesse fr. 1. noun 3) cards прорезывание (ход) Syn: see skill...
misdeal 1. noun
- misdeal 1. noun cards неправильная сдача...
king 1. noun
- king 1. noun 4) chess; cards король...
the eldest hand
- the eldest hand cards первая рука...
patience noun
- patience noun 3) cards пасьянс; - play patience the patience of Job - ангельское терпение Syn: forbearance, long-suffering, masochism, resignation, stoicism, sufferanceAnt:anger,impatience,militancy, restiveness, sadism...
be beneath
- be beneath а) находиться ниже чего-л., кого-л. The home of a rabbit is usually beneath the ground. б) быть позорным для кого-л. Cheating at cards is beneath me. I should have thought it was beneath you to consider such an offer....
play 2. v.
- play 2. v. 3) играть (во что-л., на что-л.), участвовать в игре; to play (at) tennis - играть в теннис; I played him for championship - я играл с ним на звание чемпиона; Don't play (at) cards against your father, he always wins. The captain wants to play Mills as defence in our next game....
line I 1. noun
- line I 1. noun 14) строка; drop me a few lines - черкните мне несколько строк; to read between the lines - читать между строк...
vole II noun
- vole II noun cards выигрыш всех взяток; to win the vole - взять все взятки - go the vole...
cover 1. noun
- cover 1. noun 3) обложка, переплет, крышка переплета to read from cover to cover - прочесть от корки до корки (о книге)...
double back
- double back а) запутывать след (о преследуемом звере) б) убегать обратно по собственным следам If you get lost in a forest, it is best to double back the way you came. в) сложить вдвое Double the map back so that we can read it more easily. We double the top of the sheet back over the covers, for comfortable sleep....
clear away
- clear away а) убирать Please clear your papers away so that I can serve dinner. Does the letter clear away your difficulty? The police cleared the crowd away. б) рассеивать (сомнения) в) рассеиваться (о тумане, облаках) In the afternoon, the clouds cleared away and the rest of the day was fine. When he read the letter, his doubts cleared away....
fortune 1. noun
- fortune 1. noun 2) судьба - read fortune - tell fortunes...
picture-card noun
- picture-card noun 1) cards фигурная карта, фигура...
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