выборка | описание |
cellist noun
- 'cellist noun abbr. of violoncellist виолончелист...
cello noun
- 'cello noun pl. -os abbr. of violoncello виолончель...
chute noun
- 'chute noun abbr. of parachute aeron.; coll. парашют...
chutist noun
- 'chutist noun abbr. of parachutist aeron.; coll. парашютист...
- 'copter abbr. of helicopter...
- 'd coll. abbr. of had; should; would he'd go - он пошел бы...
- 'em coll. abbr. of them...
gainst prep.
- 'gainst prep. poet.; see against...
- 'll coll. abbr. of will; shall he'll = he will, they'll = they will и т. д....
s v. abbr.; coll.
- 's v. abbr.; coll. 1) = is в форме Present Continuous, в функции глагола-связки в сложном сказуемом или в обороте there is; he's (= he is) going to London one of these days - он на днях едет в Лондон; she's (= she is) gone - она ушла; it's (= it is) time to get up - пора вставать; there's (= there is) no use - не стоит...
s v. abbr.; coll.
- 's v. abbr.; coll. 2) = has в форме Present Perfect; she's (= she has) taken it - она взяла это...
s v. abbr.; coll.
- 's v. abbr.; coll. 3) = us в сочетании let us; let's (= let us) have a look - давайте посмотрим...
s v. abbr.; coll.
- 's v. abbr.; coll. 4) = does в вопр. предл.; what's (= what does) he say about it? - что он говорит по этому поводу?...
shun interj.
- 'shun interj. abbr. of attention; mil.; coll. смирно!...
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