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    abreast adv. 
    • abreast adv. 2) не отставая; держась на (должном) уровне, на уровне to come abreast of a car - поравняться с машиной to stay abreast of a runner - не отставать от бегущего to keep industry abreast of science - внедрять достижения науки в производство to keep abreast in scientific developments - быть и курсе следить за развитием науки...

    abreast adv. 
    • abreast adv. 1) в ряд, рядом, на одной линии four abreast - по четыре в ряд to keep abreast of - не отставать от, идти в ногу...

    abreast adv. 
    • abreast adv. 5) mil. в одном эшелоне; в один эшелон - deployment abreast to keep abreast of/with the times - идти в ногу с веком to be abreast of the times - стоять вровень с веком, не отставать от жизни...

    be abreast of 
    • be abreast of а) быть наравне с кем-л., чем-л. Jim was abreast of the leading runner for a few minutes but then fell behind. б) быть в курсе дела Scientists have to be abreast of the latest discoveries and developments if they want to advance in their profession....

    get abreast of 
    • get abreast of получать сведения Scientists have to work hard to get abreast of the latest discoveries and developments in their field....

    remain abreast 
    • remain abreast а) держаться на одной линии, в ряд; You will have to run fast to remain abreast of our best runner. б) не отставать (от достижений науки и т.п.), держаться на (должном) уровне; Scientists have to work hard to remain abreast of new discoveries and developments....

    abreast adv. 
    abreast adv. 
    line abreast 
    fall abreast of 
    deployment abreast 
    remain v. 
    • remain v. 3) оставаться в каком-л. состоянии; I remain yours truly - остаюсь преданный вам (в конце письма); let it remain as it is - пусть все остается как есть; How has the car remained in such good condition after all those miles of traveling? - remain abreast - remain behind - remain clear of Syn: abide, linger, stay, tarry Ant: go, leave, depart...

    line I 1. noun 
    • line I 1. noun 19) mil. развернутый строй; линия фронта; - line abreast - line ahead - in line...

    fall 2. v.; past fell; past part. fallen 
    • fall 2. v.; past fell; past part. fallen 16) рубить (лес); валить (дерево); валиться (о дереве) - fall about - fall abreast of - fall across - fall among - fall apart - fall away - fall back - fall behind - fall below - fall down - fall flat - fall for - fall foul - fall in - fall into - fall off - fall on - fall out - fall over - fall through - fall to - fall under - fall upon - fall within - fall in love he falls in and out of love too often он непостоянен в любви to fall on one's face провалиться с треском, оскандалиться to fall to pieces развалиться to fall from grace а) согрешить; б) впасть в ересь to fall into line mil. построиться, стать в строй to fall into line with подчиняться, соглашаться с - fall foul of - fall over oneself to fall over one another, to fall over each other драться, бороться, ожесточенно соперничать друг с другом let fall! naut. отпускай! Syn: see decrease...

    be v.; past sg. was, pl. were; past part. been 
    • be v.; past sg. was, pl. were; past part. been 7) как модальный глагол с последующим инфинитивом означает долженствование, возможность, намерение I am to inform you - я должен вас известить he is to be there now - он должен быть там сейчас - be about - be above - be above oneself - be above one - be above one's head - be abreast of - be after - be against - be ahead - be ahead of - be along - be amiss - be around - be at - be at attention - be at a dead end - be at each other's throats - be at ease - be at ease - be at an end - be hard at work - be at home - be at it - be at loggerheads - be at a loss - be at odds - be at pains - be away - be back - be before - be behind - be behind bars - be behind the times - be below - be beneath - be beneath contempt - be beneath smb.'s dignity - be beneath smb.'s notice - be beside - be beside oneself - be beside the point - be between - be beyond - be beyond endurance - be beyond a joke - be beyond one's ken - be beyond question - be beyond redemption - be down - be down as - be down for - be down for the count - be down on - be down on one's luck - be down to - be down with - be down in the dumps - be down in the mouth - be for - be hip to - be in - be in at - be in for - be in for it - be in for trouble - be in on - be in on the ground floor - be in with - be in accord with - be in harmony with - be in collision with - be in line with - be inside - be into - be off - be off to - be off with - be on - be on about - be on at - be on with - be onto - be onto a good thing - be out - be out for - be out from - be out in - be out in force - be out in large numbers - be out in strength - be out of - be over - be over and done with - be past - be round - be through - be under - be up - be up against - be up for - be up for grabs - be hard up for - be up to - be with - be within - be without - how are you? - be going - let be - be oneself I've been there coll. - все это уже известно you've been (and gone) and done it coll. - ну и наделали вы дел Syn: see exist...

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