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    calling card 
    calling noun 
    calling noun 
    provoke into 
    • provoke into доводить (до какого-л. состояния); приводить (к чему-л., к каким-л. действиям); The children's bad behaviour at last provoked their mother into anger. The opposition is trying to provoke the government into calling an election....

    hobby I noun 
    • hobby I noun 4) велосипед старой конструкции Syn: avocation, pastime, recreation, sport Ant: business, calling, labour, livelihood, profession...

    call 2. v. 
    • call 2. v. 5) заходить, навещать to call at a house - зайти в дом; to call (up)on a person - навестить кого-л. to call about - приходить в дом к кому-л. по делу There's a man at the door who says he's calling about your insurance....

    go in 
    • go in а) входить I have to go in now, my mother's calling me for tea. б) участвовать (в состязании) в) затмиться (о солнце, луне) At this time of year, when the sun goes in, it is suddenly much colder. г) начинать атаку б) делаться, становиться All the soldiers were ordered to go in and seize the enemy position. д) быть понятым I keep trying to understand how a car engine works, but it doesn't seem to go in. am I stupid or something? е) (о деньгах) тратиться на что-л. Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent....

    card I noun 
    charge with 
    • charge with а) обвинять The prisoner is charged with attempted robbery. The police charged the prisoner with stealing the jewels. б) возлагать ответственность на кого-л. Isn't she rather young to be charged with the care of small children? The chairman was charged with the duty of calling all future meetings. How do you choose the officials who will be charged with fulfilling these duties? в) be changed with быть полным каких-л. качеств His poetry is charged with strength and feeling....

    call for 
    • call for а) требовать the situation called for drastic measures положение требовало принятия решительных мер letters to be called for письма до востребования Henry called for the waiter in a loud voice. The men sat down and called for some beer. The opposition are calling for a general election. б) заходить за кем-л., чем-л. Will you call for my dress at the cleaner's? I'll call for you at 8 o'clock. The parcel was left at the post office to be called for. в) предусматривать г) нуждаться This trouble calls for quick action by the government. Your remark was not called for....

    be beyond 
    • be beyond а) находиться за чем-л. или вне пределов чего-л. The deer is beyond the trees. I can't shoot it from this distance. The valley where we live is beyond the mountains. б) не подлежать чему-л., выходить за рамки, пределы чего-л. The soldier's brave deed was beyond the call of duty. Calling spirits from the dead proved to be beyond the magician's powers. The hospital says that the general is beyond medical help and will soon die. I'm afraid this old piano is now beyond repair so we'd better get rid of it. в) быть больше, чем что-л. The amount of money that I won was beyond all my hopes. г) быть слишком сложным для кого-л. I'm afraid this book's beyond me; have you an easier one? The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work was beyond them and they had to ask their mother to help. It's beyond me which house to choose, they're both so nice! Now that he's older, Jim's father feels that he is beyond running the business on his own, and wants to employ someone to help him on busy days....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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