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carving chisel noun
- carving chisel noun долбежная стамеска...
chisel 2. v.
- chisel 2. v. 4) coll. надувать, обманывать - chisel in - chisel out...
chisel out
- chisel out надувать, обманывать You mean the firm found a way to chisel you out of your overtime pay? There'll be trouble with the union now!...
chisel 1. noun
- chisel 1. noun tech. резец; долото, стамеска, зубило; чекан full chisel amer.; coll. - во весь опор...
chisel 2. v.
- chisel 2. v. 2) tech. работать зубилом, долотом, стамеской, чеканом...
chisel in
- chisel in coll. вмешиваться; навязываться He became a member only by chiselling in. The group did not welcome the manner in which he chiselled his way in....
chisel 2. v.
- chisel 2. v. 3) отделывать (литературное произведение)...
chisel 2. v.
- chisel 2. v. 1) ваять; высекать (из мрамора и т.п.)...
carving noun
- carving noun 2) резная работа...
carving noun
- carving noun 1) резьба по дереву...
cold chisel noun
- cold chisel noun tech. слесарное/ручное зубило...
wood carving noun
- wood carving noun резьба по дереву...
- carving-knife = carver 2)...
carve up
- carve up а) coll. разделять что-л. Europe was carved up after World War I. б) coll. делить (деньги) The thieves carved up the profit from the robbery. в) sl. намеренно ранить кого-л. Threaten to carve him up if he won't give the money, that should make him do it! г) coll. перегонять кого-л. на машине Yes, he does get there sooner, but only by carving up the rest of the traffic on the way - one day he'll have a nasty accident....
mortise tech. 1. noun
- mortise tech. 1. noun 2) attr. mortise chisel - долото...
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