Российская Информационная Сеть


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    crowded streets 
    crowded adj. 
    crowded adj. 
    • crowded adj. 2) полный, наполненный life crowded with great events - жизнь, полная великих событий...

    crowded adj. 
    • crowded adj. 3) amer. прижатый, притиснутый to be crowded for time - иметь времени в обрез...

    hustle 2. v. 
    • hustle 2. v. 1) толкать(ся), теснить(ся) to hustle through the crowded streets - протискиваться сквозь толпу...

    crowd out 
    • crowd out а) вытеснять We would have liked to print your letter in the newspaper, but it was crowded out by important news. б) выходить толпами When the performance was over, the people crowded out (of the theatre). в) заполнять до отказа The sale room was crowded out with people wanting to buy the furniture....

    congested streets 
    crowd into 
    • crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться The buyers crowded into the sale room. Too much furniture had been crowded into the sale room....

    street noun 
    • street noun 3) attr. уличный; street fighting - уличные бои; street cries - крики разносчиков the man in the street - обыватель; заурядный человек to walk the streets, to be on the streets - заниматься проституцией to be in the same street with smb. - быть в одинаковом положении с кем-л. not in the same street with - несравненно ниже, слабее или хуже it's not up my street coll. - я в этом не разбираюсь Syn: alley, avenue, highway, lane, motorway, road...

    swarm I 2. v. 
    • swarm I 2. v. 2) кишеть (with); The streets were swarming with hotel guests trying to escape the flames....

    co-operate v. 
    • co-operate v. 1) сотрудничать с кем-л. (with) All citizens are asked to cooperate with the council in keeping crime off the streets....

    spill over 
    • spill over а) перетекать, распространяться; The cities have grown so crowded that the population is spilling over into new towns; б) развиваться, превращаться во что-л.; His keenness to get the job done spilled over into lack of consideration for the workers....

    harness 2. v. 
    • harness 2. v. 1) запрягать; впрягать (to) Oxen are harnessed to the villagers' carts to pull them through the muddy streets....

    crowd in on 
    • crowd in on а) окружать Don't all crowd in on me, I will see your books one at a time. б) нахлынуть (о воспоминаниях) Happy memories crowded in on me as I looked at the photographs....

    crowd in 
    • crowd in составлять плотный график Mr Sharp is seeing people all morning, but if the matter is urgent I'll see if I can crowd you in. The trouble with your day is that you have too many activities crowded in....

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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
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