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    painter I noun 
    painter II noun 
    cut the painter 
    • cut the painter отделиться от метрополии, стать автономной (о колонии)...

    painter`s colic 
    painter I noun 
    sign-painter noun 
    scene-painter noun 
    landscape-painter noun 
    evolve v. 
    • evolve v. 2) развиваться; развертываться (from/out) The painter evolved his ideas about form and colour out of the work of an earlier artist....

    cut loose 
    • cut loose а) освободиться The painter cut himself loose from family responsibilities, and went to live on a tropical island. б) буянить When Sim gets drunk, he always cuts loose....

    artist noun 
    • artist noun 3) мастер своего дела Syn: craftsman, creator, designer, painter, stylist, virtuoso...

    acclaim 1. v. 
    • acclaim 1. v. 2) провозглашать to acclaim smb. (the) winner - провозгласить кого-л. победителем he was acclaimed as England's greatest modern painter - он был провозглашен величайшим современным художником Англии Syn: see praise...

    describe v. 
    • describe v. 1) описывать, изображать; характеризовать(ся) (as) I would describe him as an excellent teacher. Would you describe this piece of music as well written? The prisoner described himself as an unemployed painter. to describe one's purposes - изложить свои намерения...

    be ahead of 
    • be ahead of быть впереди кого-л., чего-л., опережать кого-л., что-л. For a few minutes Jim was ahead of all the other runners, until his greatest competitor passed him. That boy is always ahead of his fellows. A great painter is usually ahead of his time....

    go off 
    • go off а) убежать, сбежать Why did the painter leave his family and go off to live on a tropical island? б) уходить со сцены At the end of this scene, the murderer goes off, hearing the police arrive. в) терять сознание; умирать г) сойти, пройти the concert went off well концерт прошел хорошо д) выстрелить (об оружии); fig. выпалить A gun goes off every day to mark exactly one o'clock. е) ослабевать (о боли и т.п.) ж) стать хуже; испортиться (о мясе и т.п.) The quality of performance has gone off since last year. з) отделаться от чего-л.; сбыть, продать и) засыпать I had a bad night; I went to bed early enough, but for some reason I couldn't go off....

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