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    decided adj. 
    • decided adj. 2) определенный, решенный; бесспорный - decided superiority...

    decided adj. 
    decided superiority 
    confederate 3. v. 
    • confederate 3. v. объединять(ся) в союз, составлять федерацию (with) The small state decided to confederate with the island kingdom in order to form a more powerful nation together. The government decided to confederate the small state with the island kingdom so that they would form a more powerful notion together....

    bat around 
    • bat around а) sl. шляться The director has been batting around all day as usual, giving everybody orders. б) sl. обсуждать, прикидывать We batted the plan around for a while, but in the end decided against it as we hadn't enough money....

    go along 
    • go along а) двигаться б) продолжать в) сопровождать (with) At the last minute, the two youngest children decided to go along. г) развивать(ся) How is your work going along? It's going along nicely, thank you. д) соглашаться (with) We'll go along with your suggestion, although it's not exactly what we wanted....

    sit out 
    • sit out а) не участвовать (в чем-л., особ. в танцах); I think I'll sit out the next dance, I'm tired. б) высиживать до конца; I decided to sit out the rest of the film. г) пересидеть (кого-л.) She was determined to sit the other woman out....

    close about 
    • close about окутывать; окружать As darkness closed about them, they decided to return home....

    decide on 
    • decide on выбрать she decided on the green hat она выбрала зеленую шляпу...

    close upon 
    • close upon постепенно окружать, надвигаться As darkness closed on them, they decided to return home....

    mull II v. 
    • mull II v. coll. обдумывать, размышлять (over); The committee have mulled over your suggestion but have decided not to accept it because of the cost....

    discuss v. 
    • discuss v. 1) обсуждать, дискутировать (with) I've discussed the matter with my lawyer, and we have decided to settle the case out of court. Have you been discussing me with your friends?...

    come together 
    • come together а) объединиться, собраться вместе The family must come together for the parents' silver wedding. Jim and Mary first came together during the war. б) сойтись (о мужчине и женщине) в) помириться I'm so glad that you two have decided to come together at last. The different parties in the peace talks came together last week' to give a statement....

    be beside the point 
    • be beside the point быть неважным, несвязанным You decided to come home for your own reasons; the fact that it rained is beside the point....

    decorate v. 
    • decorate v. 2) отделывать (дом, помещение) (with) We decided to decorate the bedroom with blue paint and a gold paper....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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