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    drive 2. v.; past drove; past part. driven 
    • drive 2. v.; past drove; past part. driven 12) mining проходить горизонтальную выработку - drive at - drive away - drive away at - drive for - drive home - drive home to - drive in - drive into - drive off - drive out - drive up - drive a quill - drive a pen - let drive at drive yourself car машина напрокат без шофера Syn: see impel...

    drive home to 
    • drive home to заставить кого-л. поверить во что-л. You must drive the difficulty home to John....

    drive a nail home 
    • drive a nail home вбить гвоздь по самую шляпку; fig. довести что-л. до конца; убедить...

    drive home 
    drive 2. v.; past drove; past part. driven 
    • drive 2. v.; past drove; past part. driven 6) вбивать, вколачивать (тж. drive into) - drive a nail home - drive home...

    drive in 
    • drive in а) загонять to drive the cows in загнать коров б) въехать We built the garage joining the house so that you can drive straight in. в) вдолбить в кого-л. The speaker tried to drive in his point, but the crowd were not interested. г) вбивать (гвоздь) You have to use strength and skill to drive these long nails in....

    drive out 
    • drive out а) выбивать; вытеснять We had to use cats to drive the rats out. The defending army drove the enemy out. The cows are in the vegetable field, we shall have to drive them out. б) проехаться, прокатиться (в автомобиле) Let's drive out into the country, it's such a nice day....

    drive off 
    • drive off а) заставить отступить The army drove off the enemy with much effort and loss of life. б) сдерживать Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness. This medicine will help to drive the disease off. The police used horses to drive the crowds off....

    be at home 
    • be at home находиться дома I'm sorry, Mr Baker is not at home; can I take a message? If the minister calls, tell him I'm not at home. I'm not at home to any travelling salesmen. Mr and Mrs Fox will be at home to their friends on Thursday evening from 7.30....

    get home 
    • get home а) добраться до дома Did you get home all right? б) выигрывать Did your horse get home? в) быть понятым Her remark about people who forget birthdays got home to her husband at last. The President's speech about the need for saving power got home, and everyone started turning off lights....

    home 2. adj. 
    • home 2. adj. 3) внутренний; отечественный (о товарах) - home market - home trade - Home Office - Home Secretary...

    come home to 
    • come home to а) возвращаться домой к чему-л., кому-л. I like to come home to a nice warm fire. It's good to come home to a loving family. б) доходить до чьего-л. сознания At last the real difficulty has come home to John. It has come home to John that we haven't enough money....

    drive 1. noun 
    • drive 1. noun 12) amer. (общественная) кампания (по привлечению новых членов и т.п.) to put on a drive - начать кампанию a drive to raise funds - кампания по сбору средств...

    home 1. noun 
    • home 1. noun 7) дом (в играх) to be not at home to anyone - не принимать никого to be/feel at home in French (English etc.) - хорошо владеть французским (английским и т.п.) языком one's last/long home - могила - send smb. home Syn: abode, domicile, habitation, household, hovel, residence...

    drive away 
    • drive away а) прогонять What can I do to drive away these feelings of sadness? б) рассеивать в) уехать The guests got into their cars and drove away....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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