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    enjoy v. 
    • enjoy v. 1) also refl. получать удовольствие; наслаждаться how did you enjoy yourself? - как вы провели время? how did you enjoy the book? - как вам понравилась книга?...

    enjoy v. 
    • enjoy v. 3) обладать to enjoy good (poor) health - отличаться хорошим (плохим) здоровьем...

    enjoy v. 
    look for 
    • look for а) искать; The police and the villagers are out in the woods, looking for the missing child. б) ожидать, надеяться на; Many people who enjoy fast sports are looking for excitement....

    string with 
    • string with coll. подшучивать; The older workers always enjoy stringing the new boys with stories about the director's fierce temper....

    persistent adj. 
    • persistent adj. 2) стойкий; устойчивый; постоянный; to enjoy a persistent superiority - прочно удерживать превосходство...

    stare down 
    • stare down смутить взглядом; Children enjoy a silly competition in which they try to stare each other down....

    gawk 2. v. 
    • gawk 2. v. смотреть с глупым видом; таращить глаза (at) In the summer, crowds of tourists come to gawk at our famous old buildings. I expect that the Queen does not enjoy being gawked at....

    slip away 
    • slip away а) ускользнуть; уйти, не прощаясь; I'd like to slip away before the end of the meeting. Mary could not enjoy the party, and slipped away after an hour. б) проноситься, лететь (о времени); This summer has simply slipped away, we've had such fun!...

    mix up 
    • mix up а) хорошо перемешивать; The children enjoy mixing up the fruit and nuts in the cake before it is cooked. б) спутать, перепутать; My papers are all mixed up, and I was trying to keep them in alphabetical order. в) впутывать; to be mixed up быть замешанным (in, with - в чем-л.); How many more people were mixed up in the shameful harbour matter?...

    cry down 
    • cry down а) осуждать б) умалять, принижать в) сбивать цену г) раскритиковать That man who writes for the newspaper is always crying down her performances, although many people enjoy them. His family are most unkind to Harry, always crying him down. д) заглушать криками Before the politician was halfway through his speech, the crowd cried him down. е) отклонять I'm afraid the committee has cried down your suggestion....

    dress up 
    • dress up а) изысканно одевать(ся) Are we going to dress up for the wedding, or is it informal? б) надевать маскарадный костюм в) наряжать(ся) Mary (was) dressed up for the party. We shall dress the room up for Christmas. You can dress these old chairs up in new covers. г) переодеваться The children enjoy dressing up in Mother's old clothes. д) mil. выстраивать солдат Dress up the men so that the general can see them....

    come between 
    • come between а) пытаться развести, разделить кого-л. Never come between husband and wife. It is dangerous to come between two fighting dogs. б) мешать кому-л. The true artist lets nothing come between himself and his work. come by а) проходить мимо Just then a bus came by so we got on and rode home. My teacher came by just as we were talking about him. Move aside, please, the firemen want to come by. б) доставать, достигать How did you come by that beautiful picture? A good job that you enjoy doing is hard to come by. в) amer. заходить Why don't you, come by some afternoon and have coffee with me? г) получать что-л. (особенно случайно) How did you come by that wound on your arm?...

    care for 
    • care for а) нравиться, хотеть Would the children care for some more cake? That ladder looks unsafe; I would not care for it to fall while you were at the top. б) нянчиться, присматривать Jane spent years caring for her sick aunt. Do you enjoy caring for small children while their mothers are at work? в) заботиться, беречь Mary cares for her clothes, to make them last....

    confidence noun 
    • confidence noun 1) доверие to enjoy smb.'s confidence - пользоваться чьим-л. доверием to take a person into one's confidence - доверить кому-л. свои тайны to place confidence in a person - доверять кому-л....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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