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    expect v. 
    • expect v. 2) рассчитывать, надеяться (from/of) Don't expect sudden improvements from this class. The whole family expects great things of him. Aren't you expecting too much of your mother, leaving all your children with her while you go on holiday?...

    expect v. 
    expect v. 
    • expect v. 4) to be expecting euphem. - ожидать ребенка, быть в положении Syn: see hope...

    expect v. 
    hope I 2. v. 
    • hope I 2. v. 2) уповать, предвкушать (for) The men have been hoping for a rise, are you going to disappoint them? Syn: anticipate, await, dream, expect, foresee, wish Ant: despair, despond...

    crimpy II adj. 
    • crimpy II adj. coll. очень холодный to expect crimpy weather - ожидать больших морозов...

    come from 
    • come from а) приходить откуда-л. What country do you come from? Danger comes from unexpected places. б) иметь какой-л. результат What results do you expect to come from all this activity? That's what comes from sleeping late, you have a headache all morning. в) происходить от кого-л. She comes from a long line of singers....

    grovel v. 
    • grovel v. лежать ниц, ползать, пресмыкаться, унижаться (before/to) If you expect to gain favours from the king, you will have to grovel before him to show your respect and obedience. Syn: see flinch...

    gawk 2. v. 
    • gawk 2. v. смотреть с глупым видом; таращить глаза (at) In the summer, crowds of tourists come to gawk at our famous old buildings. I expect that the Queen does not enjoy being gawked at....

    gabble 2. v. 
    • gabble 2. v. 1) говорить неясно и быстро, бормотать (тж. gabble away/on/off/out); I expect you spent half the day gabbling away with your neighbours Don't gabble out your story, man, tell it calmly and clearly....

    paragon noun 
    • paragon noun 1) образец (совершенства, добродетели); We don't expect candidates to be paragons of virtue....

    be back 
    • be back а) возвращаться I'll be back when you least expect me. б) вновь входить в моду Long skirts will be back next year. в) положить что-л. на прежнее место When I returned from the police station, the jewels were back in their box; the thieves must have got frightened and replaced them....

    gang I 2. v. 
    • gang I 2. v. 2) организовать шайку; вступить в шайку (тж. gang up) When those big boys start ganging up, you can expect trouble....

    panoply noun 
    • panoply noun 1) доспехи; защита; They were armed with the panoply of popular rights. On a modern battlefield an infantryman can expect to be the target of the whole panoply of weaponry....

    come along 
    • come along а) идти; сопровождать come along! идем!; поторапливайся! б) соглашаться в) неожиданно приходить, наступать Trouble comes along when you least expect it. Take every chance that comes along. г) улучшать How is your work coming along? It's coming along nicely, thank you. д) поправляться (о здоровье) The doctor says Mother is coming along nicely now, thank you. е) спешить Come along, children, or we'll be late! ж) усердно работать Come along, Jane, you can do better than that. з) coll. выражает недоверие Oh, come along! I know better than that!...

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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