Российская Информационная Сеть


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    horticultural adj. 
    horticultural crops 
    horticultural sundry 
    crop 1. noun 
    technical crops 
    industrial crops 
    field crops noun 
    fry up 
    • fry up а) пережарить; высушить The unusually hot sun has fried up the crops. б) подогревать We can fry up some of these pieces of cold meal for our lunch....

    even II 3. v. 
    • even II 3. v. 1) выравнивать (поверхность); сглаживать (тж. even off/out) The ground evens out on the other side of the mountain Prices should even off when the crops are gathered. We must even out the differences between social classes....

    feud I 2. v. 
    • feud I 2. v. враждовать (with) The farmer and his family have been feuding with their neighbours on the other side of the valley for thirty years, shooting each other and burning the crops; there seems no end to it....

    influence 2. v. 
    • influence 2. v. оказывать влияние, влиять the weather influences crops - погода влияет на урожай Syn: affect, impress, sway Ant: discourage, hinder, subdue...

    hitch 2. v. 
    • hitch 2. v. 3) привязывать, запрягать (лошадь) (тж. hitch up) The farmer hitched up the cart and the children went for a ride in the fields to help gather the crops....

    despoil v. 
    • despoil v. грабить, обирать; лишать (of - чего-л.) The enemy have despoiled the whole valley of its crops. The trees were despoiled of their leaves in the high wind....

    dig in 
    • dig in а) зарывать Dig this chemical in thoroughly and your crops will grow faster. б) вонзать (шпоры, нож и т.п.) This meal is so hard, you have to dig the knife in before you can cut it. в) окапываться The soldiers were ordered to dig in. г) укореняться, закрепляться I had plenty of time to dig myself in when I started the new job. Get dug in as quickly as you can, then the work won't worry you. д) жадно начинать есть Dinner's ready, dig in, everybody!...

    damp course noun 
    • damp course noun constr. изолирующий от сырости слой в стене; гидроизоляция damp off (о растениях) высохнуть It rained so much last winter that half the vegetable crops damped off....

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