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    letter-paper noun 
    letter 1. noun 
    • letter 1. noun 3) письмо; послание; - letter of advice - letter of attorney - letter of credit - letters credential of recall - letters of credence of recall - letter of instruction - letters of administration - letter of indemnity...

    paper 1. noun 
    • paper 1. noun 1) бумага; - correspondence paper - ruled paper - section paper - rotogravure paper - on paper...

    paper 2. adj. 
    • paper 2. adj. 2) существующий только на бумаге; They expressed deep mistrust of the paper promises. We are looking for people who have experience rather than paper qualification....

    letter 1. noun 
    • letter 1. noun 1) буква; the letter of the law - буква закона; in letter and in spirit - по форме и по существу - to the letter...

    paper 1. noun 
    • paper 1. noun 3) научный док-лад; статья; диссертация; - working paper He just published a paper in the journal Nature analyzing the fires....

    paper 2. adj. 
    letter 1. noun 
    • letter 1. noun 5) эрудиция, образованность to win one's letter - заслужить право быть членом спортивной организации и носить ее инициалы...

    paper 3. v. 
    • paper 3. v. 2) оклеивать обоями, бумагой; We have papered this room in softest grey. Paint won't cover the mark on the wall, we shall have to paper over it....

    on paper 
    • on paper теоретический, фиктивный; On paper, their country is a multi-party democracy....

    paper thin adj. 
    • paper thin adj. тонкий как бумага, толщиной с бумагу; Cut the onion into paper-thin slices. The walls are paper-thin, you can hear everything that goes on....

    paper-thin adj. 
    • paper-thin adj. тонкий как бумага, толщиной с бумагу; Cut the onion into paper-thin slices. The walls are paper-thin, you can hear everything that goes on....

    to the letter 
    • to the letter буквально; точно; the order was obeyed to the letter приказ был выполнен точно...

    paper over 
    • paper over замазывать, сглаживать (противоречия, различия);Hewas determined to paper over the cracks in his party and avoid confrontation. Differences were papered over but by no means were they fully resolved....

    paper 3. v. 
    • paper 3. v. 3) coll. заполнять театр контрамарочниками - paper over...

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