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    carry away 
    • carry away а) уносить The men came and carried the table away. б) увлекать The crowd were carried away by his fine words. The politician carried his hearers away with his speech....

    carry off 
    • carry off а) уносить, уводить; похищать; захватывать to carry off a sentry mil. 'снять', захватить часового б) выигрывать (приз) Jim carried off most of the prizes at the races. в) скрашивать г) выдерживать though frightened he carried it off very well хотя он и испугался, но не показал вида д) coll. свести в могилу it was a daring attempt but he carried it off. This piano piece is difficult to carry off. е) извинять Quick thinking and ready speech may carry off a little daring....

    carry forward 
    • carry forward а) продвигать (дело) When you add up the money at the bottom of the page, write 'carried forward' after the total; the same total is then written at the top of the next page, marked 'brought forward'. This debt has been carried forward from year to year; when will it he paid? б) приносить успех The politician's successful speech carried him forward. в) переносить в другую графу, бухгалтерскую книгу, на другой счёт...

    carry along 
    • carry along а) захватывать, увлекать The politician carried his hearers along with his speech. б) морально поддерживать; ободрять, поднимать дух The young swimmer got so tired that she wanted to stop but she was carried along by the cheers of her supporters....

    man-carried adj. 
    carry out 
    • carry out а) доводить до конца; выполнять, проводить to carry out in(to) practice осуществлять, проводить в жизнь We all have certain duties and jobs to carry out. The gunmen carried out their threat and shot the man. Every possible test was carried out to decide the nature of her illness. б) выносить (покойника)...

    cf carried forward adj. 
    carry over 
    • carry over а) перевозить б) account. переносить в другую графу, на другую страницу, в другую книгу When you add up the money at the bottom of the page, carry the total over onto the next page. в) переносить что-л. на другую дату The concert will have to be carried over till next week because the singer is ill. г) остаться (с прошлых времен) (from, to) The habit carries over from my childhood. His influence carried over to the musicians who copied him. д) остаться кому-л., переходить The money will carry over to his children. The rights to the property carry over to the buyer....

    carry 1. v. 
    • carry 1. v. 9) увлекать за собой he carried his audience with him - он увлек слушателей...

    carry 1. v. 
    • carry 1. v. 11) проводить; принимать the bill was carried - законопроект был принят...

    carry down 
    • carry down передавать, оставлять потомкам (об идеях) This custom has been carried down from the 18th century....

    emblazon v. 
    • emblazon v. 1) расписывать герб (with) The shield that the king carried into battle was emblazoned with his family coat of arms....

    carry through 
    • carry through а) доводить до конца He was determined to carry through all his suggestions. We must till help to carry the plan through. б) помогать, поддерживать Their courage carried the people through the war....

    swoop 2. v. 
    • swoop 2. v. 2) налетать, бросаться (обыкн. swoop on, swoop upon); Having seen the mouse from a great height with its sharp eyes, the big bird swooped (down) on it and carried it off for its meal....

    painstaking 2. adj. 
    • painstaking 2. adj. 2) тщательный, кропотливый; Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris. - painstaking job painstaking job трудоемкая работа...

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