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    mashed potatoes 
    new potatoes 
    small potatoes 
    mash I 2. v. 
    • mash I 2. v. 2) раздавливать, разминать (тж. mash up); Two cars were mashed up in a bad crash on the main road...

    new 1. adj. 
    parboil v. 
    • parboil v. 1) обваривать кипятком, слегка отваривать; Roughly chop and parboil the potatoes....

    jacket 1. noun 
    • jacket 1. noun 4) кожура (картофеля); шелуха potatoes boiled in their jackets - картофель в мундире...

    skin 1. noun 
    • skin 1. noun 2) кожура, кожица; baked potatoes in their skins - картофель в мундире...

    potato noun 
    • potato noun 3) attr. картофельный not (quite) the clean potato coll. - подозрительная личность, непорядочный человек - small potatoes - quite the potato...

    patch 1. noun 
    • patch 1. noun 7) небольшой участок земли; a patch of potatoes - участок под картофелем...

    divided into 
    • divided into а) нырять The water's quite deep enough to dive into. He dived into cleanly, entering the water in a straight line. б) coll. активно начинать какую-л. деятельность He sat down and at once dived into a pile of potatoes. Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking. в) coll. проникать, входить неожиданно I was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him. г) сунуть (руку куда-л.) Diving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time. He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key....

    dive into 
    • dive into а) нырять The water's quite deep enough to dive into. He dived into cleanly, entering the water in a straight line. б) coll. активно начинать какую-л. деятельность He sat down and at once dived into a pile of potatoes. Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking. в) coll. проникать, входить неожиданно I was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him. г) сунуть руку куда-л. Diving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time. He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key....

    get in 
    • get in а) входить, вносить, вводить Help me to get the washing in, it's raining. Please get the children in, their dinner's ready. The children like helping the farmer to get the cows in. б) пройти на выборах He was surprised to get in at his first election. в) сажать (семена) We must get next year's potatoes in soon while the soil is ready. г) убирать (сено, урожай) The farmers are getting the crops in now they are ripe. д) нанести удар е) вернуть (долги и т.п.) ж) войти в пай, участвовать (on - в) Alice is always wanting to get in on the act. It's a good idea to get in at the start, whatever you're doing. з) вставлять (слова), вворачивать May I get a word in? He always gets his favourite story in when he makes a speech. She spoke so fast that I couldn't get a word in. и) быть принятым (в учебное заведение) Did your son get in? Mine did. к) быть на дружеской ноге (with) She's been trying to get in with the social leaders of the town for some time....

    put put in 
    • put put in а) вставлять, всовывать; Put your hand in and see what's in the box. б) сажать, высаживать; You ought to put potatoes in there. в) подавать (заявление, жалобу и т.п.); I'll put in a claim for damages, if you will put in your special request. г) вводить (в действие); to put in the attack предпринять наступление; д) включать, добавлять; Tom decided to put in a new character, to make the story seem more likely. е) прерывать разговор, вставлять (слова) в разговор; "But wait," Jane put in, "I haven't finished my story." ж) напрягать (силы), прилагать усилия; It's worth putting in a lot of effort, in order to improve your English. If you put more effort in your work, you'd see better results. з) coll. проводить время (за каким-л. делом); I put in two hours on my English studies every day. и) ставить, назначать на должность; The new owners put a man in to look after the building at night. The captain hopes to be put in command of a bigger ship. к) устанавливать аппаратуру; How much does it cost to put in central heating? л) выдвинуть свою кандидатуру, претендовать (for); Have you put yourself in for the competition? м) выбрать (кандидата или партию); Put our party in and we will make this country fit to live in. н) naut. заходить в порт; вставать на рейде; The ship has just put in (to the harbour). о) входить; появляться; If your opponent in this case does not put in an appearance, you will win. I don't really want to go to the party, but I'd better put in an appearance, if only for a short time....

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