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    pound III 2. v. 
    • pound III 2. v. 5) тяжело идти, бежать или скакать; We could hear elephants pounding along (the forest path). - pound in - pound into - pound out - pound gums - pound ear...

    pound into 
    • pound into а) раздроблять, разбивать на мелкие куски; This machine will pound the rocks into powder. б) вбивать, вколачивать; I had to pound the heavy wooden stick into the ground. в) coll. вдалбливать (в голову), втолковывать; All morning I've been trying to pound the facts into these stupid heads....

    pound in 
    • pound in а) вбивать, вколачивать; As I hadn't a hammer, I had to pound the nail in with a stone. б) coll. вдалбливать (в голову), втолковывать; Instead of trying to pound the grammar in, why not let the children discover the rules as they write?...

    pound III 2. v. 
    • pound III 2. v. 4) толочь, раздроблять, разбивать на мелкие куски; This machine will pound the rocks down/up into suitable road-building material. The villagers used to pound the grain into flour by hand....

    pound out 
    • pound out а) расплющивать, распрямлять (ударами); The car door was so badly damaged that the garage men had to pound it out to its proper shape. б) колотить (по роялю, клавишам и т.п.); All morning I've been pounding out letters on the typewriter....

    pound I noun 
    • pound I noun 3) фунт (денежная единица Австралии до 1966 г., Египта и некоторых других стран) - pound of flesh...

    pound III 2. v. 
    • pound III 2. v. 3) бомбардировать (at, on); The citizens yielded after the big guns had been pounding (away) at the town for a week....

    pound III 2. v. 
    • pound III 2. v. 1) бить, колотить; Who's that pounding at/on the door in the middle of the night?...

    pound III 2. v. 
    pound ear 
    pound II 2. v. 
    pound II 2. v. 
    pound of flesh 
    pound-cake noun 
    • pound-cake noun торт, в котором по фунту или поровну основных составных частей...

    pound I noun 
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