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    get ahead 
    • get ahead а) продвигаться The horse that we were hoping would win began to get ahead halfway through the race. б) преуспевать Jane used to be slow in class, but now she is getting ahead, if you want to get ahead in your job, you must listen to advice from more experienced workers....

    be ahead of 
    • be ahead of быть впереди кого-л., чего-л., опережать кого-л., что-л. For a few minutes Jim was ahead of all the other runners, until his greatest competitor passed him. That boy is always ahead of his fellows. A great painter is usually ahead of his time....

    send ahead 
    • send ahead посылать вперёд или впереди чего-л. It's best to send the heavy cases ahead. Two soldiers was sent ahead of the main group to examine the position. I've sent ahead to the hotel to ask them to keep a room for us....

    see ahead 
    • see ahead предвидеть, представлять, заглядывать (в будущее) When things change so fast one cannot see ahead very far. Can you see ahead to the year 2000?...

    ahead 1. adj. 
    • ahead 1. adj. будущий, предстоящий years ahead - грядущие годы, будущее the next job ahead - предстоящая работа...

    be ahead 
    • be ahead быть впереди (особенно в соревновании), опережать And now Oxford are ahead, they're leading by three lengths. Jane used to have difficulty with her school work, but she's been ahead for several months now....

    push ahead 
    • push ahead а) толкать перед собой, выталкивать вперед; The old man was walking along the street, pushing a small cart ahead of him. I didn't want to be first to speak, so I pushed the others ahead. б) coll. настойчиво продвигать, добиваться; Whatever happens, we must push ahead with our plans....

    go ahead 
    • go ahead а) двигаться впередgoahead!вперед!;продолжай(те)!; действуй(те)! б) идти напролом в) идти впереди (на состязании) г) продолжать The council gave us permission to go ahead with our building plans. д) начинать (говорить) Go ahead, we're all listening е) улучшать, развивать Is your work going ahead now that the materials have arrived?...

    lie ahead 
    • lie ahead предстоять в будущем; Difficult times lie ahead. Death lies ahead of us all....

    set ahead 
    • set ahead а) переносить (собрание и т.п.) на более ранний срок We were able to set the meeting ahead because the report was prepared earlier than we expected. б) переводить, передвигать вперед (стрелки часов) In spring we usually set the clocks ahead one hour....

    forge ahead 
    • forge ahead продвигаться вперед The ship forged ahead through the waves. My work has been forging ahead recently....

    ahead 2. adv. 
    • ahead 2. adv. вперед; впереди to go ahead - устремляться вперед; идти впереди (на состязании) - full speed ahead! - go ahead!...

    way ahead 
    • way ahead далеко впереди; the runner was way ahead of his opponents - бегун значительно опередил своих соперников...

    keep ahead 
    • keep ahead оставаться впереди Jane used to have difficulty with her school work, but she has been keeping ahead for the past year....

    look ahead 
    • look ahead думать о чем-л.; готовиться; If you want to make a success of your life, you have to learn to look ahead....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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