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    send v. 
    • send v. 5) radio передавать - send across - send after - send ahead - send along - send around - send away - send before - send down - send for - send forth - send forward - send in - send off - send on - send out - send over - send round - send under - send up to send smb. packing/flying, to send smb. to the rightabout - прогнать, выпроводить кого-л. (см. тж. send 4) ) - send word - send to Coventry Syn: deliver, dispatch, forward, ship, transmit Ant: keep, receive, retain...

    send along 
    • send along посылать (кого-л., что-л.) к кому-л., куда-л. When the visitors arrive, send them along straight away. I'll send the book along to you in a few days. Send the letters along to my office....

    send out 
    • send out а) отправить (из помещения), выгнать, заставить выйти If you children don't behave properly, I will send you out (of the classroom). Why did you send the children out to play б) выпускать, испускать; излучать; the trees send out leaves деревья покрываются листвой The fire sent out a lot of smoke but little damage was caused. в) отправлять, посылать The youngest son was sent out to Canada. I'll send out some more money as soon as I have some. г) рассылать Have the wedding invitations been sent out yet? д) (for) посылать куда-л. за чем-л., заказывать We can always send out for some tasty food. е) radio передавать to send out messages передавать сообщения...

    send v. 
    • send v. 1) посылать, отправлять; отсылать; to send a letter airmail - послать письмо авиапочтой; she sent the children into the garden - она отправила детей в сад погулять; Send the money to this address, and the goods will be sent to your home....

    send in 
    • send in подавать (заявление); представлять (работу на конкурс, картину на выставку и т.п.) to send in one's name записываться (на конкурс и т.п.) The examination is very difficult; I don't send students in until they're fully prepared. All reports must be sent in by the end of the week....

    send away 
    • send away а) высылать, посылать to send away for smth. посылать за чем-л. I think it's best to send the boy away to school, he's getting no proper education here. б) прогонять; увольнять The teacher had been sent away on account of immoral behaviour. в) (for) заказывать, выписывать We have sent away for a new dictionary....

    send over 
    • send over а) пересылать, посылать (кого-л., что-л. в другое место) When the visitors arrive at your office, would you send them over (to mine)? I would have gone, but they sent a message over to say that there was a delay. б) передавать to send smb. over to the police передать кого-л. в руки полиции...

    send for 
    • send for а) посылать за, вызвать, пригласить to send for a doctor послать за врачом б) заказать, выписать Have you sent (off) for the booklist yet?...

    send forth 
    • send forth а) испускать, издавать to send forth a cry испустить вопль The sun has sent forth its heat. б) посылать, отправлять Men were sent forth to take Christianity to all parts of the world....

    send v. 
    • send v. 4) приводить в какое-л. состояние; to send flying - а) сообщить предмету стремительное движение; б) рассеять; разбросать; обратить в бегство; в) отшвырнуть; to send smb. sprawling - сбить кого-л. с ног; the punch sent the fighter reeling - боксер зашатался от удара; Jane's school report sent Father into a terrible temper. This warm sun sends me to sleep....

    send v. 
    • send v. 3) бросать, посылать (мяч и т.п.); to send a bullet through - прострелить...

    send round 
    • send round а) распространять, рассылать Have you sent round the notice about the Christmas party yet? Details of the pay agreement are being sent round the factory. б) пересылать, посылать (кого-л., что-л. в другое место) When the visitors arrive at your office, would you send them round (to mine)? в) пускать по кругу to send round the bottle (the hat) пустить бутылку (шапку) по кругу...

    send off 
    • send off а) отсылать (письмо, посылку и т.п.) Have you sent the boxes off yet? б) прогонять; в) sport прогонять с поля Two players were sent off for bald rudeness. г) провожать, устраивать проводы Let's all go to the airport to send Jim off....

    send ahead 
    • send ahead посылать вперёд или впереди чего-л. It's best to send the heavy cases ahead. Two soldiers was sent ahead of the main group to examine the position. I've sent ahead to the hotel to ask them to keep a room for us....

    send forward 
    • send forward а) посылать вперед I'll have your bags sent forward to the hotel. б) пересылать Your name has been sent forward to the committee. If any letters come after you've left, I'll send them forward....

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