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    shove 2. v. 
    • shove 2. v. 3) coll. спихнуть; всучить (кому-л.) (onto) - shove about - shove around - shove along - shove aside - shove away - shove back - shove down - shove in - shove off - shove on - shove out - shove over - shove through Syn: see propel...

    shove through 
    • shove through coll. а) проталкивать(ся); пробиваться; to shove the matter through довести дело до конца; The crowd was so thick that I had to shove through (a mass of people) to reach my friend. б) coll. помочь (кому-л., чему-л.) пройти какое-л. испытание (тест, утверждение и т.п.); We shall need all the votes to shove the new law through. His sister was a great help in shoving the student through....

    shove on 
    • shove on а) спешить; We must shove on with the work if we are to finish it in time. б) проталкивать, ускорять; to shove things on ускорять ход событий в) coll. побуждать; заставлять; All her life she had been shoved on by her family to be a singer....

    shove out 
    • shove out coll. а) выталкивать, выпихивать; The cat wouldn't leave my kitchen, so I had to shove it out. б) выходить в море, отталкиваться (от берега - о лодке); When I give the command, everybody shove out together! в) попросить удалиться (из комнаты и т.п.); Do you mind if I shove you out for a few minutes? г) уволить, выгнать (обыкн. незаслуженно); John was shoved out to make way for the director's son. д) давать ростки (о растении); е) выступать, выдаваться вперед; The cape shoves out into the sea....

    shove down 
    • shove down а) нажимать, надавливать; придавливать The grass had been shoved down in places where people had been lying. б) проталкивать вниз (сквозь что-л.) You'll have to shove the brush down the pipe....

    shove off 
    • shove off а) отталкиваться (от берега - о лодке); б) coll. уходить; убираться Shove off at once! I must be shoving off now; it's getting late. в) coll. сталкивать; Did she fall off the cliff by accident, or was she shoved off?...

    shove aside 
    • shove aside а) отталкивать, отпихивать; That rude man shoved me aside and got on the bus ahead of me! б) устранять, отстранять; уступать (место); to shove aside all obstacles устранять, сметать все препятствия. When jobs are scarce, young people force lend to get shoved aside in favour of experienced workers....

    shove over 
    • shove over coll. опрокидывать, валить; The boy, running round the corner, nearly shoved the old lady over....

    shove along 
    shove in 
    shove 2. v. 
    shove about 
    • shove about coll. помыкать (кем-л.), третировать (кого-л.); запугивать; The workers are refusing to be shoved around by the employers. I am sick of being shoved about....

    shove around 
    • shove around coll. помыкать (кем-л.), третировать (кого-л.); запугивать; The workers are refusing to be shoved around by the employers. I am sick of being shoved about....

    shove away 
    shove 2. v. 
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