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    sloth-bear noun 
    bear I II v.; past bore; past part. borne 
    • bear I II v.; past bore; past part. borne 8) простираться - bear away - bear down - bear in - bear off - bear on - bring to bear on - bear out - bear to - bear a resemblance to - bear up - bear upon - bear with - bear arms - bear company - bear comparison - bear a hand - bear hard on - bear a part - bear a resemblance - bear to the right - bear the signature - bear testimony - bear witness Syn: see carry...

    bear I 1. noun 
    • bear I 1. noun 8) attr. - bear pool - bear market cross/sulky/surly as a bear - зол как черт bridled bear - юнец, путешествующий с гувернером to take a bear by the tooth - без нужды подвергать себя опасности, лезть на рожон to sell the bear's skin before one has caught the bear - делить шкуру неубитого медведя had it been a bear it would have bitten you - вы ошиблись, обознались; (оказалось) не так страшно, как вы думали...

    bear up 
    • bear up а) поддерживать; подбадривать How could I have lived through Mother's illness without you to bear we up? б) держаться стойко Alice bore up well under the news of her husband's death. в) naut. спускаться (по ветру) We'll have to bear up, the wind is too strong. г) оставаться прочным, не ломаться Do you think that the floor will bear up under the weight of the new machinery?...

    bear with 
    • bear with относиться терпеливо к чему-л.; мириться с чем-л. You must bear with his bad temper; he has recently been ill. Bear with me while I try to remember exactly what he said....

    sloth noun 
    • sloth noun 3) zool. ленивец Syn: acedia, apathy, autism, indolence, torpor Ant:activity,concern,diligence, industriousness, interest, involvement, liveliness...

    bear out 
    • bear out подтверждать; подкреплять; поддерживать The prisoner's story was borne out by his wife. If I tell the judge that I wasn't there, will you bear me out?...

    bear off 
    • bear off а) отклоняться б) отталкивать лодку от берега Is everyone on board? Let's bear off, we've no time to waste....

    bear I 1. noun 
    bear in mind 
    • bear in mind помнить, принимать во внимание You must bear your parents' needs in mind when you make your decision. There are so many questions to he borne in mind. We must bear in mind that the younger people might not like the idea....

    bring to bear on 
    • bring to bear on влиять, воздействовать The combined efforts of all the trade unions will be brought to bear on the government to persuade it to change its mind. A strong influence must be brought to bear on the government to reduce taxes....

    sloth noun 
    bear on 
    • bear on а) касаться, иметь отношение к чему-л. How does your story bear on this case? б) плохо влиять The rise in the cost of living bears hard on old people living on fixed incomes....

    sloth noun 
    bear I 1. noun 
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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
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  3. Психологический возраст
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
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  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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