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    tropical II adj. 
    tropical I adj. 
    tropical I adj. 
    semi-tropical adj. 
    trop. tropical noun 
    inoculate v. 
    • inoculate v. 1) делать (предохранительную) прививку (against/with) If you are travelling to a tropical country, you ought to be inoculated against/with yellow fever....

    parasitic(al) adj. 
    • parasitic(al) adj. 2) вызываемый паразитом (о заболевании); Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitical diseases?...

    vaccinate v. med. 
    • vaccinate v. med. 2) применять вакцину, вакцинировать, делать прививку (against); If you are travelling to a tropical country, you should be vaccinated against yellow fever...

    toy with 
    • toy with а) вертеть в руках; All the time he was talking, he was toying with a pencil. б) дурачиться, забавляться; несерьёзно относиться; toy with an idea играть с мыслью; Father often toys with the thought of going to live on a tropical island....

    cut loose 
    • cut loose а) освободиться The painter cut himself loose from family responsibilities, and went to live on a tropical island. б) буянить When Sim gets drunk, he always cuts loose....

    partake v. 
    • partake v. 4) иметь примесь (чего-л.); отдавать (чем-л.) the vegetation partakes of a tropical character - эта растительность напоминает тропическую; Her so-called honesty partakes of rudeness. Syn: see share...

    perish v. 
    • perish v. 1) погибать, умирать; Many people in tropical countries perish from disease. More than 200 people perished in the great floods....

    sweep through 
    • sweep through а) coll. легко преодолевать; John thought that he would fail his driving test again, but this time, to his own surprise, he swept through; б) проноситься; Tropical fevers can sweep through whole populations in a remarkably short time....

    tropic 2. adj. 
    go off 
    • go off а) убежать, сбежать Why did the painter leave his family and go off to live on a tropical island? б) уходить со сцены At the end of this scene, the murderer goes off, hearing the police arrive. в) терять сознание; умирать г) сойти, пройти the concert went off well концерт прошел хорошо д) выстрелить (об оружии); fig. выпалить A gun goes off every day to mark exactly one o'clock. е) ослабевать (о боли и т.п.) ж) стать хуже; испортиться (о мясе и т.п.) The quality of performance has gone off since last year. з) отделаться от чего-л.; сбыть, продать и) засыпать I had a bad night; I went to bed early enough, but for some reason I couldn't go off....

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