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    unable adj. 
    • unable adj. 2) predic. to be unable - не быть в состоянии; I shall be unable to go there - я не смогу пойти туда...

    unable adj. 
    sneer 2. v. 
    • sneer 2. v. 2) насмехаться, глумиться (at - над); The opposition sneered at the government's plan but were unable to defeat it. Syn: see scoff...

    delegate 2. v. 
    • delegate 2. v. 1) делегировать; уполномочивать; передавать полномочия (to) The chairman is unable to attend the meeting, so he has delegated his voting powers to the secretary....

    buy back 
    • buy back выкупать He changed his mind about moving, but was unable to buy the house back....

    express 4. v. 
    • express 4. v. 1) выражать (прямо, ясно) to be unable to express oneself - не уметь высказаться, выразить свои мысли the agreement is expressed so as... - соглашение предусматривает......

    see beyond 
    • see beyond а) знать, представлять себе (что-л.) на некоторый срок (больший чем указано) Sales figures are improving, but it's impossible just yet to see beyond the end of the year. б) планировать, заботиться (о чем-л. - обыкн. в ближайшем будущем) Are you making plans for the future, or can't you see beyond your next pay packet? Some people are unable to see beyond how to get enough food for the day....

    communicate v. 
    • communicate v. 1) сообщать; передавать кому-л. (to), о чем-л. (about/on The two nations' leaders were unable to communicate on methods of limiting atomic explosions. You have a duty as a scientist to communicate your discovery to the world....

    depute v. 
    • depute v. 2) передавать полномочия (to) The chairman is unable to attend the meeting, so he has deputed his voting power to the secretary. I have deputed the keeping of the accounts to John while I am in hospital....

    clash 2. v. 
    • clash 2. v. 6) совпадать во времени (с чем-л.) (with) our lectures clash - наши лекции совпадают I was unable to study music at school because it clashed with history. - clash against - clash with...

    communicate v. 
    • communicate v. 2) сообщаться (with); сноситься (by) It is always difficult to communicate with someone who speaks a foreign language. The girl claims to he able to communicate with the dead. Politicians are often unable to communicate with ordinary people....

    trace I 2. v. 
    • trace I 2. v. 6) обнаружить, установить; the police were unable to trace the whereabouts of the missing girl - полиция не могла установить местонахождение пропавшей девочки...

    register 2. v. 
    • register 2. v. 3) coll. выражать; показывать; отражаться; his face registered no emotion - его лицо оставалось невозмутимым; A surprise that he was unable to hide registered on his face....

    wood 1. noun 
    • wood 1. noun 7) attr. деревянный to get/be out of the wood - выпутаться из затруднения; быть вне опасности to be unable to see the wood for the trees - за деревьями леса не видеть - go to the woods - take in wood...

    break down 
    • break down а) разбивать, толочь The police broke the door down. The old cars were broken down for their metal and parts. б) разрушать(ся) в) сломить (сопротивление) The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition. The prisoner's opposition broke down under repeated questioning. г) ухудшаться, сдавать (о здоровье) You will break down if you work too hard. Peter broke down and was unable to work for a year. д) разбирать (на части); делить, подразделять, расчленять; классифицировать е) распадаться (на части) The figures must be broken down into several lists. The figures break down into several kinds, showing us different ways of looking at the firm's activities. ж) анализировать з) провалиться; потерпеть неудачу Peace talks have broken down in the Middle East. Your health will break down if you work too hard. и) не выдержать, потерять самообладание Peter broke down and wept when he saw the deer that he had shot. к) прекращать работу (о механизмах) The washing machine seems to have broken down again. The car broke down on the way to the airport, and I had to get a taxi. л) распадаться (о химических соединениях) Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substances. Our food breaks down in the body into useful substances....

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