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    set by 
    • set by а) откладывать (в сторону) She was reading a book, but set it by when the telephone rang. б) откладывать, прерывать (работу и т.п.) Tom had to set his new book by for a year. в) прекращать, приостанавливать (что-л.); положить конец (чему-л.) It's time to set our differences by and work together. г) откладывать, приберегать (деньги, время и т.п.) I have a little money set by for our holidays. I set the whole afternoon by for work on the book. to set great/much (little) store by ценить высоко (низко) to set people by the ears/at variance/at loggerheads ссорить, натравливать людей друг на друга...

    work-book noun 
    work-book noun 
    work-book noun 
    put by 
    • put by а) отложить в сторону; She was reading a book, but put it by when the telephone rang. б) отложить на время, прервать (работу и т.п.); Tom put his new book by for a year. в) оставлять, бросать (привычку и т. п.); отказаться (от мысли и т.п.); It's time to put our differences by and work together. г) откладывать, копить (деньги); I have a little money put by for a rainy day. д) стараться не замечать; игнорировать; His question was dangerous, so I put it by and began to speak of other things....

    copy-book noun 
    • copy-book noun 2) тетрадь/папка, содержащая копии писем или других документов copy-book maxims - прописные истины copy-book morality - ходячая мораль - copy-book performance...

    be hard at work 
    • be hard at work усердно работать I see the men are still hard at work - when do you think the digging will be finished? I like the classroom best when all the children are hard at work on ideas that they have chosen themselves....

    crib 2. v. 
    • crib 2. v. 3) coll. совершать плагиат (from) There will be no cribbing from anyone else's work! The boy cribbed the answer from a book that he was hiding. These answers have been cribbed from another student!...

    fake II 2. v. 
    • fake II 2. v. 2) мошенничать, обжуливать (тж. fake out) You could try to fake out the teacher by handing in your book as though you'd done the work: he may not mark the hooks anyway....

    get along 
    • get along а) жить; обходиться I'll get along somehow я уж как-нибудь устроюсь to get along without food обходиться без пищи to get along in years стареть б) справляться с делом; преуспевать How is your work getting along? It's getting along nicely, thank you. How is Tom getting along with his new book? в) уживаться, ладить they get along они ладят г) уходить I think I'll be getting along now, I want to be home quite early. д) стареть Grandfather is getting along and doesn't see too well any more....

    see I v. 
    • see I v. 13) позаботиться (о чем-л.); посмотреть (за чем-л.); to see the work done, to see that the work is done - проследить за выполнением работы...

    place aside 
    • place aside а) прекратить (работу и т.п.) на некоторое время; Tom placed his new book aside for a year. б) положить конец (чему-л.); It's time to place our differences aside and work together. в) откладывать, копить (деньги); беречь (время); I have a little money placed aside for a rainy day. I've placed aside the whole weekend for househunting. г) приберегать, оставлять; Would you like us to place the rest of the wool aside for you?...

    set aside 
    • set aside а) откладывать (в сторону) б) откладывать на время, прерывать; Tom set his new book aside for a year. в) прекращать, приостанавливать (что-л.); положить конец (чему-л.) It's time to set our differences aside and work together. г) сохранять (деньги, время и т.п.) I have a little money set aside for our holidays. д) отвергать, оставлять без внимания, не учитывать We set all other offers aside in favour of yours. е) leg. отменять, аннулировать He tried to have the contract set aside because conditions had changed....

    open-work noun 
    open work noun 
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  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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