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    hack out 
    • hack out вырабатывать с трудом The committee had instructions to hack out a new method of organizing the firm's accounts, even if it took all night....

    account 2. v. 
    • account 2. v. 4) объяснять (for) to account for being late - давать объяснения по поводу опоздания this accounts for his behaviour - вот чем объясняется его поведение...

    juice up 
    • juice up оживлять The writer has thought it necessary to juice up his stories with accounts of his sexual adventures....

    square 2. adj. 
    • square 2. adj. 4) правильный, ровный, точный; to get one's accounts square - привести счета в порядок...

    follow on 
    • follow on а) продолжать (пре)следовать You go ahead, and we'll follow on. The next part of the play follows on from the discovery of the murder in the first act. б) быть результатом If you don't keep your accounts straight, serious debt could follow on....

    overhaul 2. v. 
    • overhaul 2. v. 1) разбирать, тщательно осматривать (часто с целью ремонта); to overhaul the state of accounts - произвести ревизию бухгалтерии; to be overhauled by a doctor - быть на осмотре у врача...

    query 2. v. 
    • query 2. v. 1) спрашивать (if, whether); осведомляться; уточнять, выяснять; I must query your suggestion with the director, it doesn't seem completely suitable. I wish to query my recent bill with your accounts department....

    depute v. 
    • depute v. 2) передавать полномочия (to) The chairman is unable to attend the meeting, so he has deputed his voting power to the secretary. I have deputed the keeping of the accounts to John while I am in hospital....

    fiddle with 
    • fiddle with а) потрогать, повертеть (части механизма, чтобы он снова заработал) Sometimes when the television set doesn't work, you can fiddle with the wires inside and it comes right! б) нечестно поступать Someone's been fiddling with the accounts, there's some money missing....

    account 1. noun 
    • account 1. noun 3) мнение, оценка - take into account - leave out of account - by all accounts - give a good account of oneself - not to hold of much account...

    land up 
    • land up а) забивать грязью The pool has got landed up and the fish are dying. б) становиться After gaining two fortunes, he landed up poorer when he died. в) оказываться With Sim driving, you never know where you're going to land up. г) достигать The business might land up in failure unless more care is taken with the accounts. д) получать что-л. в конце After much effort, the writer landed up with a contract....

    coconut noun 
    • coconut noun 4) attr. кокосовый - coconut fibre - coconut milk that accounts for the milk in the coconut joc. - вот теперь все понятно...

    stand by 
    • stand by а) присутствовать; быть безучастным зрителем; The police took accounts of the accident from two witnesses who happened to be standing by at the time of the crash; б) защищать, помогать, поддерживать; to stand by one's friend быть верным другом; в) держать, выполнять; придерживаться; to stand by one's promise сдержать обещание; г) быть наготове; д) radio быть готовым начать или принимать передачу; Stand by to receive the radio message; е) наблюдать, ничего не предпринимая; How can a crowd stand by while a woman is attacked and robbed?...

    blow out 
    • blow out а) задувать, гасить, тушить (свечу, керосиновую лампу и т. п.); гаснуть (от движения воздуха) The wind blew the seeds out of the plant. The chimney blew out a cloud of black smoke. As I was cleaning the cupboard, a lot of feathers blew out. б) выдуть (доменную печь) в) лопнуть (о шине и т. п.) The heat blew out the tyre. The tyre blew out as I was driving to work. г) прочистить путем выдувания We shall have to blow the pipe out, it seems to he blocked. д) наполнить (воздухом, едой и т.д.) The child blew the paper bag out and then burst it. I feel blown out after that heavy meal. Horses are blown out after a race. е) стихать (о порывах ветра) The storm blew (itself) out after three days. ж) разрушать что-л. воздушной волной The bomb blew the windows out з) остановить работу (об электрических механизмах) The damaged wire blew out the cooker. The cooker has blown out и) вырваться из-под контроля, прорваться (о газе, нефти и т.п.) An oil well blew out in the North Sea, causing a very big floating mass of oil....

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