Российская Информационная Сеть


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    growth stock 
    • stock of a corporation exhibiting faster than aeragegains in earnings oer the last few years and expected tooutperform other stocks. A riskier inestment than aeragestock often paying low or no diidends and expected to showhigh leels of profit growth....

    callable preferred stock 
    • a type of preferred stock linked to an option that giesthe corporate the right to call in the stock at a certainprice....

    fundamental analyst 
    • fundamental analysts try to ealuate the intrinsic alueof a particular stock or groups of stocks to assess whetherthey are oeralued or underalued in order to forecasttheir future stock price moements. Fundamental analysisincludes a study of the oerall economy, industry conditions,and financial condition and management of the company....

    • company profits distributed to shareholders in an amountas decided at the shareholders meeting. The amount of thediidend is expressed either as a fixed sum per share oras a percentage of nominal alue of the stock. The returnderied from diidend payments, when calculated in relationto the stock price, is called diidend yield....

    liquidity ratios 
    • measure of a company's ability to meet maturing short-termobligations. Liquidity ratios include the following: current ratio = current assets/current liabilities acid test = (current assets - stock)/current liabilitiesdebtor days = (receiables x 365)/annual credit sales creditor days = (accounts payable x 365)/annual credit purchasesstock turnoer = (aerage stock x 365)/costs of goods sold...

    blue chip stock 
    • the issues of strong, well-established companies thathae demonstrated their ability to pay diidends in goodand bad times....

    • bank or other financial institution that protects theproperty or keeps custody of stock certificates and otherassets of a corporate client, indiidual or mutual fund....

    • securities eidencing the holders' interests in an enterprise(stock corporation). The principal rights of shareholdersare the right to share in the company's profits and theright to ote at shareholders' meetings....

    equity financing 
    • a method of raising money by issuing shares of commonor preferred stock. The shareholder holds an equity in thecorporation....

    common share (common stock) 
    • an equity security that represents the ownership in acorporation. Owners typically are entitled to ote on theselection of directors (and other important matters) andto receie diidends on their shareholdings....

    automated controlling system for trading in the stockmarket 
    • a computer system deeloped by the New York Stock Exchange(NYSE). It monitors suspicious signals in the trading systemand interrupts illegal operations....

    going public 
    • the first issuance and sale of stock of a priate companyto the public. In doing so, the firm's ownership shiftsfrom the hands of priate shareholders to a base that includepublic shareholders. It inoles compliance with the disclosurerequirements of national laws....

    financial analyst 
    • a person that has specialised in analysing financial markets.Various methods of analysis exist and are deployed by analysts.usually analysts specialise in certain markets, like bond,stock or commodity markets....

    • "refers to how easily assets may be conerted into cash.Liquid assets include blue-chip stocks that are actielytraded and therefore the stock price will not be dramaticallymoed by a few buy/sell orders; liquid accounts includechecking accounts, passbook accounts, and treasury bills."...

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