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    bring in on 
    • bring in on привлекать кого-л. к чему-л. Are you going to bring any of the other board members in on your plan for the election?...

    bring around 
    • bring around приносить, приводить на условленное место Bring the new members around to the meeting tonight....

    bring v. 
    • bring v. 3) заставлять, убеждать to bring oneself to do smth. - заставить себя сделать что-л....

    bring back 
    • bring back а) приносить обратно, возвращать You must bring these library books back next week. On your way home from your aunt's will you bring back some coffee? б) вызывать, воскрешать в памяти, напоминать The smell of these flowers brings back memories. в) помочь вернуть, приобрести We must bring him back to health. г) восстановить; ввести вновь (идею, практику, закон и т.п.) Few people these days are in favour of bringing back the old punishment by death....

    bring within 
    • bring within согласовывать The shops will have to bring the clothes within our price range, or they won't sell them....

    bring forth 
    • bring forth производить, порождать Bring forth men children only. And the earth brought forth grass....

    bring out in 
    • bring out in вызывать (какое-л. состояние) Eating all that rich food has brought Jane out in spots as usual. Don't mention what happened last week, it could bring him out in a temper....

    bring up 
    • bring up а) приводить, приносить наверх When the doctor arrives, bring him up. Mother says would you please bring up the tea things. The road will bring you up to the top of the cliff. б) вскармливать, воспитывать My aunt brought up four children. Your children have been well brought up. I don't want your advice, I'm bringing them up the hard way so that they won't be helpless in later years. I was brought up to respect the law. в) поднимать (вопрос); заводить (разговор) Mr Chairman, I should like to bring up the question of the reorganization of the committees. Your suggestion will be brought up at the next meeting. There's no need to bring up his past when we are considering him for employment. г) делать известным д) привлекать к суду This is the third time that Peter has been brought up before the court for drunken driving. е) coll. вырвать, стошнить. Jane can't come, she's been bringing up all morning. The child has brought up her dinner again. ж) увеличивать to bring up the score sport увеличивать счет з) naut. поставить или стать на якорь The captain was able to bring the ship up just before it hit the little boat. и) неожиданно останавливать The horse is running away, can't you bring him up? The boy was praised for bringing up the runaway horse. к) ругать The director brought Jim up for being late again....

    bring out 
    • bring out а) высказывать (мнение и т.п.); выявлять б) опубликовывать; ставить (пьесу) в) вывозить (девушку в свет) Is Mrs King-Brown bringing her daughter out this year? г) mil. снять с фронта, отвести в тыл д) показывать Jane never brings out her best dishes even when guests arrive. The warm sun brought the flowers out. е) производить Tom has brought out another new book. The makers are bringing out a new kind of soap. ж) помочь преодолеть застенчивость; заставить преодолеть сдержанность Mary is very quiet, try to bring her out (of her shell) at the party. з) вызвать забастовку We'll bring the workers out for more pay. и) вывезти кого-л. в другую страну I had been living here for a year before I had saved enough money to bring the family out. к) произносить She was so shocked that she could hardly bring out a word. л) узнавать что-л. секретное It did not take the police long to bring out the truth....

    bring into 
    • bring into приводить что-л., кого-л. в какое-л. состояние; доводить до че- го-л. to bring into action а) вводить в бой, в дело; б) приводить в действие...

    bring about 
    • bring about а) осуществлять б) вызывать By his own efforts, Charles Fax brought about the fall of the government. Major changes will have to be brought about in British industry. в) повернуть лодку или корабль обратно If the wind changes you'll have to bring her about....

    bring home to 
    • bring home to а) убедить кого-л., заставить кого-л. поверить во что-л. You must bring the difficulty home to John. You must bring home to John what the difficulty is. б) уличить кого-л. The courts are making efforts to lying their crimes home to the young people....

    bring in 
    • bring in а) вводить Bring the washing in, it's raining. б) приносить (доход) The sale brought in over $250. The boys are bringing in good wages every week. в) вносить (законопроект, предложение) The government intends to bring in a new law about wearing safety belts in cars. The influence of the Far East has brought in many new fashions. г) выносить (приговор) to bring in guilty выносить обвинительный приговор д) ввозить, импортировать е) собирать урожай (зерна) The farmers are bringing the apples in early this year because of the warm weather. ж) просить кого-л. о помощи The council are pleased with the results of bringing ordinary citizens in on local library planning We may have to bring extra workers in to help us with this big job. з) приводить кого-л. в полицейский участок The policeman brought in two boys whom he had caught stealing....

    bring through 
    • bring through а) оградить от каких-л. трудностей The doctor brought Mother through a serious illness. Their courage brought the people through the war. в) подготовить к экзаменам г) спасти жизнь кому-л. Can the doctor bring Mother through?...

    bring down 
    • bring down а) свалить; сломать In American football, you have to try to bring down your opponent. б) снижать (цены) Shopkeepers have been asked to bring down their prices. в) заставлять кого-л. снижать цены We bought the dealer down to a much lower figure. г) сбивать (самолет) The gunners brought down three planes. д) подстрелить The hunter brought down a deer. е) победить (врага, политического оппонента) At the next vote, we must try to bring down the government. ж) делать переносы при умножении When you divide 216 by 4, divide 4 into 21, giving 5 with I remaining; then bring down the next figure, 6, and divide this 16 by 4; the answer is 54. з) доводить (рассказ о событиях, записи и т.п.) до определённого времени We have been asked to rewrite the history book, bringing it down to 1980. и) приводить в уныние, расстраивать The youngest son has only brought down trouble on the family. к) передавать, оставлять что-л. своим последователям, передавать что-л. из поколения в поколение This ring has been brought down in my family. л) снижать до своего уровня We are afraid that Helen will bring Simon down to her own level. м) доводить до сведения населения The city council will bring down the new spending plans on Monday....

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