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    AAUP American Association of University Professors noun 
    • AAUP American Association of University Professors noun Американская ассоциация преподавателей университетов...

    UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara noun 
    • UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara noun Калифорнийский Университет в Санта-Барбаре...

    Univ. University noun 
    honour 2. v. 
    • honour 2. v. 2) удостаивать (with) Famous people can be honoured with a special degree from this university....

    send down 
    • send down а) исключать или временно отчислять из университета He was sent down (from his university) for taking drugs. б) понижать (цены и т. п.) Bad weather has sent the ticket sales down....

    to 1. prep. 
    • to 1. prep. 1) указывает на направление; к, в, на; the way to Moscow - дорога в Москву; turn to the right - поверните направо; I am going to the University - я иду в университет; the windows look to the south - окна выходят на юг...

    budget for 
    • budget for ассигновать на что-л. The university had to budget for an increase in the number of students.; We shall have to budget an additional amount for the new baby's needs....

    designate 2. v. 
    • designate 2. v. 1) определять, обозначать; указывать (as) The hospital has been designated as a university hospital....

    extension noun 
    • extension noun 10) attr. extension table - раздвижной стол extension apparatus med. - приспособление (в ортопедии) для вытяжения - University Extension...

    fling aside 
    • fling aside а) отвергнуть, пренебречь Flinging aside the wishes of his parents, the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university. These rules are not made to be flung aside lightly. б) отказаться Once he got rich, he flung aside his old friends. Henry joined the opposing political party, flinging aside his former loyalties....

    Alma Mater noun lat. 
    • Alma Mater noun lat. 1) альма-матер (об университетах и колледжах) my Alma Mater is Moscow University - я окончил Московский университет...

    alma mater noun lat. 
    • alma mater noun lat. 1) альма-матер (об университетах и колледжах) my Alma Mater is Moscow University - я окончил Московский университет...

    open 1. adj. 
    • open 1. adj. 9) phon. открытый (о слоге, звуке) he is an open book - его легко понять to force an open door - ломиться в открытую дверь - open champion - open ice - open verdict open weather (winter) мягкая погода (зима) - the open door - the Open University Syn: see outspoken...

    box up 
    • box up а) класть в коробки, запаковывать When Harry went to sea, his things were boxed up and put in the storeroom. Your books have to be boxed up to send to university. б) втискивать, запихивать It's good to get outside in the fresh air again, after being boxed up in the house all winter. в) неумелыми действиями портить, путать дело; вносить беспорядок г) закрывать досками You'd better box up the doorway until we can get a new door. д) смущать, приводить в замешательство The sheep were all boxed up, running round in circles....

    be up 
    • be up а) закончиться Bring the boat in now, your time is up. б) встать, подняться What time do you have to be up tomorrow? в) повыситься (в том числе в цене) Production is up this quarter. Jane's temperature is up again. Eggs are up again this month. г) произойти (обычно о чем-л. плохом, необычном) Something must be up, the children are not usually as quiet as that. What's up? You look pale. I think I know what's up with the washing machine. be up to замышлять что-л. е) приезжать в большой город Are the students up at the university yet? My family are up in London for a few days. ж) представать перед судом I'm sorry to hear that the boys are up in court again; what's the charge this time?...

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