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- factoring inoles a special business buying out accountsreceiable from a company for a fee....
fill-or-kill order
- an order to buy or sell a particular security that obligesthe broker to fill immediately and entirely or otherwisecancel the order entirely....
financial analyst
- a person that has specialised in analysing financial markets.Various methods of analysis exist and are deployed by analysts.usually analysts specialise in certain markets, like bond,stock or commodity markets....
fundamental analyst
- fundamental analysts try to ealuate the intrinsic alueof a particular stock or groups of stocks to assess whetherthey are oeralued or underalued in order to forecasttheir future stock price moements. Fundamental analysisincludes a study of the oerall economy, industry conditions,and financial condition and management of the company....
going public
- the first issuance and sale of stock of a priate companyto the public. In doing so, the firm's ownership shiftsfrom the hands of priate shareholders to a base that includepublic shareholders. It inoles compliance with the disclosurerequirements of national laws....
good-till-cancelled order
- an order that is left in force until it is executed orcancelled....
goernment bond
- a bond issued by goernment....
growth stock
- stock of a corporation exhibiting faster than aeragegains in earnings oer the last few years and expected tooutperform other stocks. A riskier inestment than aeragestock often paying low or no diidends and expected to showhigh leels of profit growth....
guaranteed bond
- a debt obligation in which a company other than the issuingcompany guarantees payment of the interests and principal....
income bond
- bonds that are issued by a corporation and pay interestonly if the corporation's earnings are sufficient to meetthe interest payment from year to year....
income statement (profit and loss statement)
- summary of the company's reenues, costs and expensesduring an accounting period....
index of shares
- a benchmark measuring the performance of a group of shareswithin a market oer a predefined period. It reflects marketprices and the number of shares outstanding for companiesin the index....
- an increase in the price of goods and serices as a resultof too much money chasing too few goods....
inflation rate
- rate of change in prices....
institutional inestor
- an organisation that trades securities in large sharequantities and in doing so qualifies for preferential treatmentand lower commissions....
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