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    prance 2. v. 
    • prance 2. v. 1) становиться на дыбы, Young horses were prancing about in the field....

    rope off 
    • rope off окружать канатом; The farmer has roped off the field to keep the animals out....

    kip II sl. 2. v. 
    • kip II sl. 2. v. спать (тж. kip down) Don't worry about a bed for me, I can kip down on the floor. to kip out - спать на свежем воздухе When we go camping, the children sometimes leave their tent and kip out in the open field....

    mark off 
    • mark off отделять; проводить границы; разграничивать; The builders have marked off a comer of the field ready for the new building....

    under 1. prep. 
    • under 1. prep. 9) указывает на использование площади, участка земли в определенных целях; под; a field under clover - поле, засеянное клевером...

    geomagnetic(al) adj. 
    get abreast of 
    • get abreast of получать сведения Scientists have to work hard to get abreast of the latest discoveries and developments in their field....

    distribute v. 
    • distribute v. 2) (ровно) размазывать (краску); (равномерно) разбрасывать to distribute manure over a field - разбросать удобрение по полю...

    huddle 2. v. 
    • huddle 2. v. 3) прижиматься, жаться (тж. huddle together) The cattle huddled together in a corner of the field, trying to keep dry....

    profession noun 
    • profession noun 5) вступление в религиозный орден; обет Syn: field, job, occupation, specialization, trade, vocation, work...

    land 2. v. 
    • land 2. v. 4) aeron. приземляться, делать посадку (at; in) The airport was closed because of the snow, so we had to land at the neighbouring one. Pilots in training have to learn to land in a field....

    wear I 2. v. 
    • wear I 2. v. 4) изнашивать, стирать, протирать; пробивать; размывать; the water has worn a channel - вода промыла канаву; to wear a track across a field - протоптать тропинку в поле...

    stricken adj. 
    • stricken adj. 2) obs. раненый stricken in years - престарелый stricken field - решительное сражение; поле брани...

    drive out 
    • drive out а) выбивать; вытеснять We had to use cats to drive the rats out. The defending army drove the enemy out. The cows are in the vegetable field, we shall have to drive them out. б) проехаться, прокатиться (в автомобиле) Let's drive out into the country, it's such a nice day....

    expanse noun 
    • expanse noun 1) (широкое) пространство; протяжение an expanse of lake (of field) - гладь озера (простор поля)...

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