Российская Информационная Сеть


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    crack down 
    • crack down сломить (сопротивление) (on) The government has promised to crack down on criminal activity....

    pacify v. 
    pin on 
    • pin on а) возлагать (ответственность, вину); пришивать (дело, преступление); Why are you trying to pin the blame on me? He tried to pin the crime on his companions. б) возлагать надежду, доверять; Many parents pin their hopes on their children. It's unwise to pin your faith on any system of government....

    institute 2. v. 
    • institute 2. v. 2) начинать, назначать (расследование и т.п.) (against) The government intends to institute court action against the firm which has disobeyed the wage controls and paid its workers more than is allowed under the new law....

    take as read 
    • take as read а) утвердить без зачитывания; Can we take the report as read and go on to the first new business? б) принимать на веру; I think we can take it as read that the government will call an election this autumn....

    Cabinet system 
    • Cabinet system (of government) система ответственного (перед парламентом) правительства (в демократическом конституционном праве)...

    contribute v. 
    • contribute v. 1) содействовать, способствовать (to) Fresh air and exercise contribute to good health. Public opinion can contribute to government decisions....

    draft 2. v. 
    • draft 2. v. 2) составлять план, законопроект (тж. draft out) I wonder who helped that politician to draft out his speech. The government has drafted out its plans for future laws....

    exact 2. v. 
    • exact 2. v. 2) взыскивать (from, of) The government exacts taxes from every wage earner above a certain level of income. The teacher exacts obedience from the class....

    step in 
    • step in а) входить; Won't you step in and have a cup of tea with us?; б) включаться (в дело и т.п.); в) вмешиваться; The government may have to step in to settle the disagreement between the union and, the employers....

    seep away 
    • seep away постепенно исчезать The international power of Britain has been seeping away. Faith in the government is seeping away, and they are unlikely to win the next election....

    count I 2. v. 
    • count I 2. v. 3) полагать, считать (as) In cricket, a no ball counts as one run. Any unemployed person counts as deserving government help....

    panic I 3. v. 
    • panic I 3. v. 1) пугать, наводить панику; Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded. The Government has been panicked into giving us a promise to abolish it....

    under 1. prep. 
    • under 1. prep. 3) указывает на пребывание под властью, контролем, командованием; под; to work under a professor - работать под руководством профессора; England under the Stuarts - Англия в эпоху Стюартов; an office under Government - государственная служба...

    pack 2. v. 
    • pack 2. v. 9) заполнять своими сторонниками (собрание, съезд и т.п.); подбирать состав присяжных (для вынесения противозаконного решения); Opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packedthe conference with its own supporters....

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